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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Where can more easily meet partner?

A study led by Mic, has revealed some interesting facts about how we meet the other half.

Mic has made ​​2300 people two questions: How have you met current partner? How did your relationship?
Results are not ones you can imagine. Discover it.
Only a small fraction of the people were familiar with their partners thanks to a website or application meetings. Given that the world in which we live is being transformed into digital, besotted as only 9.4 percent of people are known online. Well if you are not familiar to the Internet, where then?
Which means: a small fraction of people have had success in all those flirting at the coffee apparatus.
Only one in five have recognized partner in a social environment.
According Mic survey, 22.3 percent of people have met partners in a social environment, the way to work, or as in the case of Nicole Richie, in the club. If you are still waiting for a special person, better search elsewhere than on the premises preferred. For Finally, 22.3 percent is not too much.
But if not recognized on the Internet, at work or in a social place where people belong Well boyfriend heart?
Statistically you have more opportunities to show your man's life through common friends.
Good read. 38.9 percent of people asked were met through common friends.
When one thinks, in some cases, your friends can know better than you yourself knows himself, writes class magazine. But remember also that, if you like friends, chances are that and their friends will also be 'cool'.
Friends have not yet introduced with Mr. or Mrs. Perfect? Well, about 40 percent of people are platonic friends before passing to another level. So you can have your half already known better, but do not know yet.

Contemporary healing venous enhanced Anaderm 27, 28 and 29 March

The first institution which deals with full access to the diseased vein is Therapeutic Diagnostic Centre "Anaderm", Pristina. More on 27, 28 and 29 March, Anaderm provides treatment / laser vein elimination of foreign doctors. Its experts offer the most modern methods of diagnosis and treatment, which cause no pain at all, while are maximally effective.

You torment the legs are tired, swollen, pain, cramps asleep, the kruarit, burns, have tiny veins foot palm, called capillary veins varikoze? There you only happens to you. 40% of women and 20% of men suffer from enhanced veins.
Enhanced veins spoil the aesthetic appearance, but may also cause pain, cramps sleep, feeling the weight on the foot, but serious complications, such as the creation of open wounds in the legs, thrombosis, pulmonary embolism dangerous .. .
The intervention occurs when preventive measures - medicines and other forms of therapy - does not yield results, while there are symptoms that may occur complications.
The veins laser surgery is minimal invasive surgery, which is done under local anesthesia. No incisions as those classics, no general anesthesia, no scars. Thus terminated the development of the disease and prevented the possibility of the occurrence of complications, which can be fatal.

O people, what is happening: Why is not love as once?

When we are alone, nothing like what we have someone with whom to loved by little heat, a little kiss. The same great reception of a first kiss you remember? Well, what happens to those who are serious about those who are married?

As research shows only 5% of couples older than 45 years kissed more than 30 times a week. However, these romantic couples are increasingly scarce.
Even among those most young people, aged from 18 to 24 years, most of them with loving person kiss barely ten times a week, maybe even less.
Disappointment is the fact that all age groups, about one-fifth of all couples do not kiss , reports Telegraph.
In adolescence, kissing the most often experienced as something intimate, more so as sexuality research tool.
Studies show that couples who kiss are mostly satisfied with the relationship they have, but are also more satisfied with the amount that exhibit fever.
Women are the ones most often complain about the lack of kissing and say that their partners this experience exclusively as foreplay. It is for this reason and not try to take the initiative themselves.
On the other hand, much less kiss - less or even sex , experts say.Therefore, experts advise couples to little more kiss, but not realize bash each kiss a precursor to sex , but something that offers loving person.

Intuition - reality or something more?

Intuition is here without any excuse, but sometimes can be misconstrued.

Psychologists believe that is exactly instinct innate response warn us before our brains really recognize and process the situation, then propose appropriate response, reports Telegraph.
Whenever you hear your inner voice? How many times have you had confidence in your inner wisdom? As many times as you forsaken and trust in leadership which is displayed within you, so once you've rejected your intuition.
Each of you possesses the intuitive ability of experiencing the world. This is what "feeling", which everyone has, but rarely listens. All ignore and understand superficially. Just remember how many times have you said to yourself: "Au, I knew! Why not heard ?!
Every time you do you believe yourself, you do not manage to dismantle what life recommends. However, the intuitive perception must "fly" from the cluster of other sources of information that you behave in the head.
Keep in mind, intuition is never wrong though your interpretation intuition can be wrong. When you feel intuitively, often believe that feeling, because the only way you will notice the difference between the consequences of intuition and reason.

Sleepyheads risk of early death

Adults who sleep more than eight hours at night, 30 percent more likely to die earlier, says new research.

The study, which lasted more than a decade, has found that people who sleep less than six hours, are more vulnerable to die earlier than those who sleep more than seven hours.
More than a million people have been asking about their sleep habits and findings are presented as part of the study conducted by Warwick University, transmits
Professor Franco Cappuccio, the participants divided into three groups: Those who sleep less, those who sleep on average and extravagant people with their sleep.
He found that 30 percent of people who sleep more have died compared with respondents who make the average sleep.
12 percent of people who sleep less have died in the same period, compared with people who sleep on average.

Make regular yoga practice into your life

Yoga is one of the most liberating and energizing practice that has recently been taking a greater importance in people's routine. One important fact deserved.

Yoga brings many benefits to the human body, it releases the pain and calms the mind.
1. Bridge the ridge down
This is a very good position to escape from back pain in the long run. You should try to go near as many legs with the wings. But you should do every day by little, your body accept resilience.
2. Uttanasana
This is a position to calm the brain and relieve stress. A greater forward flexion promotes more blood flow to the brain, stimulates the liver and kidneys and releases tension. Take tail hair, going in order not to hinder.Relaxation is the key in this position.
3. Cobra
Cobra is a position quite easily. Suffice to lie down with the boat through the wings attempt to push the upper part of the body without moving his feet. The neck should keep the above can. This position enhances mood, open chest and helps pave the road from the heart to the lungs, improves circulation and facilitates hardening at the bottom of the backpack.
4. Triangle (Utthita Trikonasana)
Ideal for anxiety, stress frees this position following the elasticity throughout the body. Improves digestion and reduces symptoms of anxiety and osteoporosis. Trikonasana Utthita strengthens the legs, wrists, hips and shoulders step along the chest.
5. Position the Blerina, for strength and balance
is the best dancer balancing and you need some nerves to achieve. What you sculpt elasticity, strength and perseverance.
6. Camel
Suitable for opening the heart and spine health. For some it is very difficult because most of us spend time in front of the computer hooked. This position is ideal for gaining new energies and back.
7. Stand with head and feet tied
Find a point to help you keep balance and then place the foot as in the illustration. Will feel the energy from the blood to circulate in the head.Keep your elbows away from your ears and press firmly with the forearms.These latter have to do all the work (at the head). Stay in this position for 10 breaths or as long or how you feel comfortable.
8. Sirsasana
You can do every day even though you can not go every day in yoga class, writes Annabel. During this position also can meditate. Suitable for pain in shoulders, keywords or tired feet in this position try to bring your legs as high as possible.
9. Fish
This position is also good for opening the chest to ease the consequences of staying in a computer desk. Claim you have a weight in the abdominal area and attempt to lift the chest keeping legs crossed.
10. Refraction
Refraction is ideal for calm, back pain, energy and detoxification.Refraction such, capture feet in order to check further, creates tranquility, energy 'yin' to circulate in the system and stimulates blood circulation by massaging to suffer as the kidneys or liver organs.

Recommended foods to combat menstrual pain

Most women, at least 40-70 percent, have had experience with pain caused by menstruation. Back, chest and belly are the parts most pain.

If you are looking for ways to avoid drugs, eating healthy food is one of them.
Nutritionist Kathy Smart from Ottawa has published a list of foods you should eat to avoid the pain caused by menstruation, transmits
Sesame seeds,
sesame seeds Nutritionist says have calcium and can give good taste food.
Parsley not only minerals and vitamin C, but when used to cry, can be very effective in relaxing the body.
If you eat celery can help fight pain during menstruation.
Fish Salmon
Salmon Fish has many vitamins and affects combat inflammation.
Seeds Sacha Inchi
Sacha Inchi seeds, which can be found in the Amazon, is rich in vitamin Omega - 3.
Dark chocolate
If you are fan of chocolate, make sure it has at least 70 percent cocoa, transmits This helps in relaxing muscles.
is known that fluids are essential to the human body when there are troubles. It is recommended to drink two to three liters of water during menstruation.
Tea is an easy option to replace your merchandise to caffeine. Green tea is recommended to remove abdominal pain.