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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Stop in time "cervical cancer"

Cancer of the cervix (also known as cervical cancer) is recognized as one of the most common forms of cancer among women. He entered the group of diseases that can be treated and cured if treated early in the early stages.

Dr. Goc göksu
Obstetër- Gynecologist
American Hospital
038 221 661/045 500 910
Cervix is ​​the lower part of the uterus and cervix also called. The fetus grows in the upper part (in bulk) of the uterus. Cervix connects the body of the uterus with the vagina major cells that are on the surface of the cervix are Squamoze cells (in ektocerviks) and glandular cells (in endocerviks).Limit where unite these cells called transformasioni areas, where most cervical cancers are formed in this area. These cells do not instantly transformed into cancer, but once developed gradually changing with prekanceroze (CIN neoplazicervikale intraepiteljale, SIL lesions squamoze intraepiteljale and dysplasia) that this could turn into cancer.
Symptoms and signs of cervical cancer
, cervical cancer usually at an early stage does not give any symptoms.Cancer usually grows until invasive stage (stage progressive) and affects the surrounding tissue provides no symptoms. And when you reach the stage symptoms are usually invasive vaginal bleeding and bleeding after relations. Usually invasive cancers diagnosed in women who have not made ​​a regular Pap test. Timely diagnosis of cervical cancer helps the prevention and suppression in times of illness.
All women should Pap test at age 21, women aged 21 to 29 years old have to repeat Pap test every 3 years. After age 30 to age 65. Pap smear should be done once in 3 years shall also once in 5 years Pap test should be combined with the HPV test.
Women who were removed uterus does not need to be checked, but those uterus removed due to lesions prekanceroze should continue to be under control. Women who were removed uterus and was left CERVIX (histerektomisupra-cervical) should be checked according to the above recommendations.
Even those who have made the HPV vaccine should be subject to such checks regularly. Those who have abnormal Pap test should be repeated once every 6 months or once a year.
To have a Pap test as accurate should:
- The best time is to take Pap test after 5 days of menstruation.
- Do not have sex for 48 hours.
- Not to be used any buffer or vaginal drug for 48 hours.
The main factors that increase the risk of cervical cancer
* HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) is the main cause and found in 99.7% of cases of cervical cancer.
* sexual activity at a young age, the risk of cervical cancer is before age 18. 2 times greater than the starting sex after age 21 years.
* Sexual activity with more than one partner in cases where more than 6 partner risk increases threefold.
* Sexual activity with a high risk partner (who may have HPV)
* History of sexual transmission diseases (chlamydia, herpesgenital)
* Previous Story cellular changes prekanceroze
* immunosuppression (HIV)
Treatment of cervical cancer
is performed surgical therapy (surgery) or radiotherapy. Cancer of the cervix is sensitive radio and radio therapy can be used at any stage, even in phases where the operation can not be performed.
Micro-invasive cancer in stage 1A ideal therapy is the removal of the uterus (hysterectomy). In stage 1A2 should be removed and lenfatike glands around. For patients who are in the early stage and who wish to be pregnant can be used and procedures Konizasion (removal of the cervix in the cone) or trakelektomi (total removal of the cervix).
The possible complications of these two procedures are not complete removal of cancerous cells and the risk of a premature birth.
In Phase 1B1 and 2A (smaller than 3 cm) performed radical hysterectomy + removal of glandular lenfatike and if the result of the pathology indicates high risk, need and radiotherapy.
Can cervical cancer be prevented?
These cell changes can be diagnosed prekanceroze Pap test, so being treated with appropriate therapy prevented their progresimi cancer. Not all prekanceroze transformed into cancer lesions and take several years (a long time) to be transformed into cancer. Diagnostic tests are Pap test and HPV tests defining.

10 myths and facts about cellulite

Have cellulite? You are not alone. Numerous studies that have been done proving that 90% of women at some point during their lives had cellulitis. Even those women with a regular body of tone have expressed concern in a particular period.

As well known as cellulite, there is so much misinformation about its causes and treatment. So before you take the decision to spend money to buy products from more of differences in the treatment of cellulite, it is best to read to the end to myths and facts about him.
Cellulite is caused by toxins in your body - MIT
true causes of cellulite are fatty deposits which suppress collagen fibers and connective tissue under the skin mainly concentrated in the buttock, thigh, arms but also in other areas of the body. Connective tissue may be weakened by hormones, lack of exercise and muscle toning, excess fats and poor blood circulation. So by dermatologists turns out that the cause of cellulite is not excessive toxins in the body.
Women have more cellulite than men - FACT
Women tend to place more fatty deposits than men, especially in the area of the buttock and thighs. Men have more connective tissue than women and that makes them fat be taut and skin tone is. From celebrity dermatologists is estimated that 10% of men have cellulite, a rate much lower compared with women.
Cellulite deteriorate with age - FACT
Hormones play an important role in the appearance of cellulite. Women age their body produces less estrogen you, a hormone that helps a lot for a good blood circulation. Less estrogen in the body means not a good circulation of blood, decreasing the production of new collagen and connective tissue destruction existent.
Cellulite can be present in your genes - FACT
If your mother or grandmother had cellulite then and you have more probability to have. Genetics is only a small part of the puzzle of cellulite.
Cellulite occurs only in people overweight - MIT
Overweight usually makes visible cellulite. But cellulite appears also to persons stylish or different body shapes. Shira Ein-Dor, owner of "American Cellulite Reduction Center" in New York City shows that the cellulite treated for Victoria Secret models even though they eat well, physically sufficiently exercised cellulite.
Physical exercise significantly reduce cellulite - FACT
regular exercise but do not cure cellulite help reduce its appearance. By increasing muscle mass tonfikimi promote skin and therefore less cellulite is visible.
Non-invasive procedures really work to eliminate cellulite - FACT
non-invasive treatments are much more effective than cosmetic or anti-cellulite creams. There are several laser or radiofrequency devices which give a very good result. Eg: LPG Lipomassage treatment performed in 15 regular sessions. Also Thermage radiofrequency treatment. Considered by doctors dermatologists in USA as one treatments effective anti-cellulite which is performed in a single session.  
Different foods help fight cellulite - FACT
hydration not only through consumption of fluids but also through food, writes class magazine. Your diet should be rich in vegetables and fruits with high water content, such as tomato, cucumber, pepper, orange, mandarin, lemon, etc., which contain up to 90% water.
Anti-cellulite creams can cure it - MIT
Studies have proven that products containing retinal can help temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite by increasing inelastic skin and fat pastries camouflaged. Also products containing caffeine or ginger help blood circulation but not cure cellulite, simply make its appearance better.Dermatologists believe that cosmetic products give a result of little or no results in the treatment of cellulite.
Smoking affects the development of cellulite - FACT
Smoking has a negative effect on dehydration skin, blood circulation problems, loss of elasticity, etc. So it is obvious that the negative effects are numerous and consequently cellulite in women smoking is more noticeable.

Pain that does not neglect the women

Headaches mostly just headaches, and heartburn a sign that you have eaten spicy food immensely. However it is possible that these are symptoms of serious health conditions.

Strong headache
There are many strong probability that headache is migraine. However, when it is accompanied by other symptoms of migraine such as blurred eyesight, it is likely that it comes to the worst form of headache, brain aneurysm. These arterial bulge appear to 5 percent of the world's population, while in most cases do not harm health. Probably will not notice that you are suffering from brain aneurysm, unless you notice that aneurysm is broken or has ruptured. Aneurysm rupture of blood to fill the tissue which surrounds aneurysm (coming up strong pain) and reduces the delivery of oxygen.
Smoking and family history of aneurysm increases risk. Rupture of aneurysm can cause brain damage within minutes, so post quick search of medical help. The doctor will probably do CT scans of the head. If the doctor finds heavy bleeding, have to undergo surgery to stop and prevent brain damage.
Pulse teeth
is probably damaged tooth nerve which requires urgent treatment because they can come to the spread of bacteria, which can completely destroy tooth and spread throughout the body and damage the health of the circulatory system.
Perhaps the dentist only will close the tooth and protect nerve. If the tooth is infected, the dentist must heal and remove nerve tissue, and then the tooth will fill with substitute materials.
Strong Pain sideways
If you feel intense pain on the left side of the abdomen which is accompanied by nausea and fever is likely that you have inflammation of the colon Qore. Soon after bowel intestinal blockage comes to serious inflammation. Another possibility is that the ovarian cysts which are safe and are often created automatically, but if the cysts break can come to great pains.
If inflammation of the colon blind not heal, the consequences can be fatal.Coming to the swelling of the tissue that surrounds the internal organs. If you have cysts, however, visit a gynecologist who will see if it is necessary to leave not to block blood flow to the ovary for which reason may be required removal of the ovaries along with cisten.
Chest pain
chest pain temporarily may be the result of heartburn in the stomach. If you know that you have increased risk of creating heart disease, do not ignore the pain because it is likely that it comes to heart attack. During 1000 even women younger than 45 years experience heart attack.Symptoms in women are different than men. Can you feel the pressure, fatigue, pain in the throat or difficulty breathing.
If the pain you feel after consuming food too spicy, there is no reason to worry. If you feel pressure after exercise, it's time care. Heart attack occurs most often during exercise. Emergency aid the physician is extremely important. If you feel chest pain frequently, consult your doctor who will examine you and determine the best treatment possible.
Stomach pain and distension
All sometimes feel stomach pain, swelling or have gas. If this happens often is possible that it comes to ovarian cancer. Stomach pain, distension and gases are most often the first symptoms of ovarian cancer. If you feel longer than 2 to 3 weeks, visit the gynecologist.
Ovarian cancer is not as common as breast and lung cancer (1 in 70 women will be affected with cancer of the ovaries). However, if you have a greater risk due to genetic predispositions, show it gynecologist.
Advise gynecologist and explain to your symptoms. He will check, make ultrasound or CT. The good news is that even 90 percent of women survive ovarian cancer if detected at an early stage.
Pain in the back and stabbed in the foot
if you were physically active, such pain is normal and pain analgesics help.If the pains are often present, it is likely that the backpack is printed nerve.In this case it is necessary assistance orthopedics since there may be permanent damage to the nerves.
Recordings rays will reveal if there are damages. While the sense of slaughter and not made worse pain will go to physical therapy and will receive oral steroid that will ease inflammation. If not healed after several months, it is likely that surgery is necessary, transmit
Leg pain and swelling
in the legs If nodes are swollen and hurt, it is possible to have deep-vein thrombosis, known as blood clotting. When coagulation becomes large enough to block blood flow, the area around the clots will begin to swell and ache. Smokers and women who take birth control pills have an increased risk of blood clot creation.
Do not do massage on the swollen area that clotting will not split and do not reach the lungs through the blood circulation and prevent the circulation of oxygen. Visit a doctor who will make CT or ultrasound. If you clot, probably need to take medication to thin the blood in the period of one year.

Coffee, fizzy drinks and energetic drinks slow brain development

Fizzy drinks, which contain large amounts of caffeine, stopping normal development of the brain in children, scientists warn.

Besides that prevents us to sleep, caffeine interferes preventing brain development during adolescence. This is a critical period for brain, when the problems in its development may lead to schizophrenia, anxiety, drug abuse and personality disorders.
Researchers have conducted experiments in rats, but claim that the discovery raises concerns for children and adolescents who consume large amounts of caffeine in Coca-Cola and energy drinks.
Between 300 and 400 mg of caffeine or four cans of energy drinks per day, or four cups of coffee, can affect the brain, according to a study.
Swedish researchers have focused on brain development in adolescence.While the brain is prepared for demand in adulthood, Synapses, or connections between cells that are not necessary, eliminated. It is believed that sleep is essential in this process.
"This happens during deep sleep. The main synapse survive, others are reduced and all this makes the network more efficient and stronger", said Professor Reto Huber Children's University Hospital in Zurich.
Professor Huber said when the young rats were given water containing caffeine, they have less deep sleep than those who drank plain water.Their brains had more synapses to the end of the study, which means that the development was hampered.
While, as we wrote the first few days, reports, other studies claim that carbonated beverages may even make children aggressive.