Despite the name, Vitamin D is not exactly a vitamin and greater chances are that you do not get it enough even though you might think otherwise.

Vitamin D is actually a steroid released in your body when you are exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D is not designed to receive or increased through diet, so beware of products that claim to be the content of vitamin D, because chances are that this is a sales ploy. One of these products is milk, which leads people to believe that they are getting healthy levels of vitamin D, when they actually are not.
According to a research by leading scholars of vitamin D, Dr. Michael Holick, "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that 32% of children and adults across the US had vitamin D deficiency - and it is undervalued as fact.
The only way to know for sure if you have deficiency of vitamin D is through blood testing, writes Annabel. However, there are some signs and symptoms that can make you aware to understand. If you notice any of these, you should get your vitamin D level tested according soon.
You have dark picture
Afro-Americans are at greater risk of vitamin D deficiency, because if you have dark skin, you may need 10 times more exposure to the sun to produce the same amount of vitamin D compared to a person with pale skin!
As explained Dr. Holick, the pigment in your skin acts as a 'screen' natural, the more pigment you have, the more time you will need to spend in the sun to create sufficient amounts of vitamin D.
You feel no mood
serotonin, the brain hormone associated with the growth of humor, rises with exposure to bright light and vice versa. In 2006, researchers evaluated the effects of vitamin D on the mental health of 80 elderly patients and found that those with lower levels of vitamin D were 11 times more likely to be depressed than those with healthy doses.
You are 50 years or older
As mentioned above, your skin has a lot to do with the creation of vitamin D, that its exposure to sun rays. At the same time you say old age, your kidneys become less efficient at converting vitamin D in the form used by your body and adults also tend to spend more time at home. This brings low exposure to sunlight and therefore vitamin D.
You are overweight (or have a high muscle mass)
Vitamin D is a fat type, hormone - like vitamin, which means that measures body fat serves as a "sink" to collect it. If you're overweight or obese, you likely that you need more vitamin D than a pale person - and the same applies to people with higher body weights due to muscle mass.
Have pain bones
According to Dr. Holick, many of those who belong to their doctor about bone pain, especially combined with fatigue, end up being diagnosed with fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome.
"Many of these symptoms are classic signs of vitamin deficiency D osteomalacia, which is different from the vitamin D deficiency causes osteoporosis in adults, "he says. "What is happening is that a lack of vitamin D causes a defect in the allocation of calcium in the matrix of collagen your skeleton. As a result, you freeze or bone pain."
Sweating scalp
According to Dr. Holick, one of the first signs of a lack of classical vitamin D is sweating head. In fact, doctors use for this reason as new mothers questions about head sweating babies. Excessive sweating in newborns due to neuromuscular irritability still described as a common symptom, deficiency of vitamin D.
You have intestinal problems
Remember, vitamin D is a fat type, which means that if you have a gastrointestinal condition that affects your ability to absorb fat, you can have low absorption due to its lack of vitamin D. This includes bowel conditions like Crohn's disease and inflammatory bowel disease.