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Monday, April 20, 2015

What is Chia seeds and why we should consume

Chia seed is the ultimate superushqimi which all talk! This sort healing most define as some "magic" food, which makes small miracles within our body. In the following you find out what is the secret.

What is chia seeds? We believe that many of you have heard of this sort, even though it has existed for thousands of years. Astek first mention Chia seed as food staples that had been used as part of religious rituals, but also for medical purposes.
What are the main benefits of chia seeds? Chia is rich in plant omega-3 fatty acids, protein and fiber, and also contains a significant amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Chia seed is excellent for skin regeneration, but also for burning fat, strengthens the body and positively affects the digestive organs, transmits Nutritionists agree that chia seeds is one of the best things you can eat if you feel weak and without energy, because that affects the functioning of the muscles, and releases energy in your body, so often used by athletes. This seed contains about 37 percent of nutritional fibers which help the work of the intestine. Diet and nutrition strictly based on the consumption of the fare has proved excellent in preventing colon cancer.
Why Chia seed is good for skin, hair and nails? Chia seeds contain omega-6 fatty acids, antioxidants (one gram chia seeds is four times richer in antioxidants than fresh blueberries) and proteins that are essential for health the skin. Studies have shown that consumption of Chia seeds also affects the health of hair and nails in accordance with the fact that chia is a great source of protein (20 percent) that the body should continuously have to reflect and protect roots hair, nails respectively which are made ​​of keratin protein.
Can help in weight loss? Chia seeds consumption affects the appetite, speeds up metabolism, and activates glycogen which is very important for burning fat. How many seeds to eat to see the effect?
​​A scoop of chia seeds a day is recommended, but not more than that, because Chia contains more fiber, which could overburden those who have stomach significantly.
How can consume chia seeds? Chia seeds taste very soft and pleasant, and the simplest way is to mix the seeds with a Smoothie, or put them in a salad vitaminous and easy, but can be 'eat clean and transmits trick is to immerse for 15 minutes in water, while the increase in size that is 10 times larger than their usual size. As with qullin of oat, the greater is the seed, the sooner your stomach will release hormones that will "inform" that are full. This seed when immersed in coconut milk and mixed with almonds and pineapple, made ​​a very delicious dessert and healthy.

Improving the health of awesome resources of Alaska

It is known that the inhabitants of Alaska (Eskimos) are not affected (or rarely) diseases modern time. Scientists have discovered that their good health, greatly helps food that is rich in fish (raw salmon and wild blueberry.

Noah merit Kabashi
Based on these data, Kyani has unique products processed deliberate quality from 100% natural ingredients, which are made to improve health.Triangle is labeled as health, contained in products Kyani Sunrise, Sunset and Kyani Kyani NitroFX.
Kyani Sunrise contains 33% of the wild blueberry Aljaska, antioksidans most powerful in the world. Here are added ten super trees from around the world (Noni, cranberry, raspberry, pomegranate, aloe vera ...) and pollen. A bag contains all natural vitamins that are necessary for human body. After natural ingredients (josintetikë), the body is able to absorb efficiently (97-100%).
In addition, Kyani Sunrise has more antioxidants and minerals. With a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels, prevents the possibility of stroke, cancer cell development, etc. Ingredients have a beneficial impact on health. Vitamin B and Fe (iron) help the body to meet daily needs for energy, while antioxidants are essential for the correct functioning of our immune system.
E protects the body from the damaging effects of free radicals caused by poor nutrition, illness, stress, polluted environment, injuries and aging process. Nutritional elements, like vitamin A, beta karotin, vitamins C and biotini, are the basis for maintaining healthy skin.Kyani NitroFX powerful extract of Noni, tropical trees Quiet Ocean, which has long been known under the benefits of great health. Among other things, encourages the creation of nitric oxide (NO), which is the basic component of the internal structure of the body. The human body at the age of 20 years has more nitrogen oxide, so the kids were full of energy and hard toil. Through the years, our body has little opportunity for submission of oxygen, and thus faster weary body.
Nitro dose extract, brought extra oxygen in our cells and many other useful ingredients that contribute quickly and positively to our body. NitroFX increases energy, improves absorption of nutrients, blood flow through the body and prevents the formation of plaques in the walls of blood vessels, but also helps in regulating blood sugar. One of the disastrous consequences of poor nutrition is the blockage of blood vessels, which leads to cardiovascular disease.
The dose consumed NitroFX same day, all our cells are renewed, protected. Scientists who discovered the importance of nitric oxide in the body, in 1998 won the Nobel Prize for medicine.
Kyani Nitro FX Xtreme is additionally enriched by NitroFX, dedicated athletes and people who are exposed to greater physical labor and stress.The effect can be seen for several minutes. With powerful extract of Noni, Nitro Xtreme FX also consists of: zinc, which plays an important role in the synthesis of proteins, regulates blood sugar, healing of wounds and brain function; Chromium, which helps to introduce sugar into the cells and regulates blood sugar; Magnesium, which converts carbohydrates, proteins and fats into energy. CoQ10 is of essential importance in the formation of trefosfatit adenoz (ATP), which is 90% of the energy body;Niacin (B3) plays an important role in the release of energy from carbohydrates.
The essence of Kyani Sunset is Tocotrienoli, that is far from the most powerful vitamin E that exists, and Omega 3 fat acid and 30 other fat acids, which is a rare combination in the global market. Omega-3 is only obtained from wild salmon from Alaska, who lives in their natural environment and considered the purest form of Omega-3 in the world. Also, these fat acids are up to 7 times stronger than other types of salmon.
Tocotrienoli is quite useful for protecting the body and is much more efficient (50 times more powerful) of vitamin E, produced the best synthetic and tochopheroli. He comes from Annato tree, cultivated in the dense forests of Brazil. Kyani Sunset ingredients are soluble capsule and excellent impact together, which enables high efficiency. Our blood is cleaned during sleep at night. Kyani Sunset capsules allow better blood cleaning up to 250 times, thus allowing easier movement and faster blood and oxygen to our cells through the smallest capillaries. Thus, our body is cleaned in the morning, rejuvenated (regenerated), vaskularizuar good and ready for the transfer of vitamins, antioxidants and substances crop up in all the cells of our body.
All doctors recommend for seniors regular consumption Omega-3 (fat acids), to improve the condition of the heart and blood vessels. 

Health benefits of sesame seeds

One of the first seeds that people have used for oil production are sesame seeds. Except in the kitchen, since the ancient times used for traditional medicine as prevention and cure of diseases.

Sesame seeds are full of fitonutrient as omega-6 fatty acids, flavonoid phenols, ie. antioxidants, vitamins and fiber nutritional potentially antikancerogjene feature.
1. At 100 grams of sesame found 573 calories. Although most of the calories come from fats precious, sesame contains important minerals, antioxidants and vitamins, which are essential for health.
2. The seeds are particularly rich in fatty acids mono-to-unsaturated (Oleinik acid), which make up 50 percent of the acids in sesame. Oleinik acid helps to lower LDL or bad cholesterol and increase HDL or good cholesterol in the blood. Scientific studies show that the Mediterranean diet which is rich in acids mono-to-unsaturated helps to prevent coronary artery disease and heart attack.
3. sesame seeds are also very valuable source of nutritional protein, ie.The qualitative amino acids are essential for growth, especially in children.Only 100 g of seeds provide about 18 g protein (32 percent of the recommended daily values).
4. In addition, sesame seeds contain compounds such as sesamoli (3, 4-methylene-dioxyphenol), sesaminol, furyl-methanthiol, guajacol (2-methoxyphenol), phenylethanthiol, furaneol, vinylguacol and decadienal.Sesamoli and sesaminoli are antioxidant phenols. Together, these compositions comprise a powerful front against harmful free radicals inside the human body.
5. Sesame is rich in vitamins and minerals quality, transmits First and foremost is the best source of B complex vitamins, such as niacina, folic acid, tiamina (vitamin B1), piridoksina (vitamin B6) and riboflavina.
6. Only 100 g sesame percent 97pr contains folic acid, about 25 percent of the recommended daily consumption. Folic acid is necessary for the synthesis of DNA, and this is especially important for pregnant women because it can prevent damage to the nervous system in infants.7. Niacina is also a vitamin of the B complex group, which is majority in sesame. About 4.5 mg or 28 percent of daily necessity niacin level can be found in just 100 g of seeds. Niacina helps reduce LDL cholesterol in the blood. In addition, increases the activity of key neurotransmitters (GABA) in the brain, which can help reduce anxiety and neurosis.
8. sesame seeds are extremely rich source of many essential minerals.Calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, magnesium, selenium and copper are particularly concentrated in sesame seeds. Many of these minerals have a key role in bone mineralization, building red blood cells, synthesis of enzymes, hormones and regulating the activity of the heart muscle and skeleton.
9. A handful of sesame provides recommended levels of phenolic antikoksidantëve, minerals, vitamins and protein.

Multivitamins may also affect badly

Multivitamins would have to contain all the nutritional values ​​for which your body needs, but a growing number of studies show that multivitamins can have negative effects on health.

Survey of American scientists has shown that most multivitamins contain harmful levels of metals that increase the risk of cognitive impairment later in life.
Prof. Neal D. Barnard and his team of experts have analyzed the components of multivitamins. They discovered that many multivitamins contain twice the levels even higher iron and copper compared to the recommended level.
Previous studies have shown that increased levels of iron can cause the development of Alzheimer's disease, while increased levels of copper can cause the accumulation of plaques in blood vessels, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Studies have shown that people who are in the body have excessive levels of copper, have a risk three times greater for developing mental illness.
Copper and iron increase the circulation of oxygen to the brain, one thing it's good for any brain function. On the other hand, excessive levels of oxygen in the brain can cause oxidative stress, where the risk of nerve damage.
Multivitamins do not necessarily harm health, as long as you take them in accordance with the doctor's recommendations. But, in most cases, need to take multivitamins there. Nutrient levels in the body can grow in a natural and safe way, emphasizes HealthNews.
Researchers emphasize that all people, whose diets are different, of course do not need multivitamins, transmits Vitamins D and B12 often do not consume enough, so do take supplements because they are found in a small number of foods.
If the doctor says you need to take multivitamins, seek those things which do not contain copper and iron, because they certainly are consumed in sufficient quantities through meat and vegetables, and cereals and dairy products. 

Family Meals the best mental child's health

Regular family meals are excellent for improving the mental health of children, especially adolescents, American scientists discover.

In the research participated 26000 teen age from 11 to 15 years. Have completed the survey which had questions about the frequency of family meals and relationships with parents, but also the duties of changes that reveal the state of their mental health.
Results have shown that more frequent family meals have a positive impact on their mental health. Thus, children who frequently eat parents had fewer behavior problems and were more emotionally developed.
The positive effects of family meals have been available to all children, regardless of age, gender or socioeconomic status of the family.
"The research results have surprised not so much because it is known that the family plays a major role in the development of the child", followed Prof. EverydayHealth statement. Frank Elgar.
Scientists emphasize that parents should use every opportunity to socialize with children and family meals are the ideal time for this.
Relaxed atmosphere, exchange of opinions and discussions are part of the family meal, for what reason have great importance in mental development of the child.
Even if not every day you can eat meal a week together, share at least one day a week that heritage hospitality, lunch and dinner to spend together, transmits Believe it or not, this will help your child closer to you, recognize the true values ​​of life, to grow and develop without difficulty, both physically and emotionally. 

Grape seed extracts prevent tumor cells

Studies from the Center for Cancer Research at the University of Colorado showed that the extract seeds

Scientists believe that those who suffer from colorectal cancer will soon be able to refuse 'chemotherapy' medicine which actually causes cancer.
Compared with bioactive ingredients, the grape seed extract, chemotherapy seems like an archaic form of treatment, especially if we consider the fact that chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer recurrence, which is 10 times stronger than cancer diagnosed ago.
These treatments kill healthy cells, but GSE ingredients, including kurkuminin and resveratrolin, does not affect healthy cells, but destroy tumor cells.
Meat extract seeds (GSE- Grape Seed Ex-tract) is so efficient, that could affect the fourth stage of cancer with a stunning success, writes Start. One of the doctors involved in the study, said that "takes less than half the concentration of GSE to stop the growth of cancer cells in the fourth phase compared with concentrate which achieves a similar effect on cancer cells in stage second ".
The researchers explain that GSE attacks multiple mutations in cells to eliminate and prevent their spread in the body.
Only 1.50-25o the GSE's milligrams a day can have a preventive effect on colorectal cancer, while at the same time also affects prevention to a range of other diseases.

Men, be careful with Omega-3

Although omega-3 fatty acids are very healthy for the heart, blood vessels, eyes, and also help you remain slim waist, they can expose men to increased risk of prostate cancer.

Omega-3 fatty acids are widely known for their anti-inflammatory properties, protecting us from many diseases, but now US researchers have found that men with high levels of omega-3 in the blood are 43 percent more exposed to cancer prostate than men with low levels of omega-3 fatty acids. Also, even 71 percent are exposed to an aggressive form of prostate tumor!
The difference in the concentration of fatty acids between these two groups corresponding to more than two servings of salmon a week, explained the experts of the center for the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research in Seattle. They came to this conclusion after they compared blood samples of 840 patients with prostate cancer and nearly 1,400 healthy men.
Even though they had not entirely clear why omega-3 fatty acids increase the risk of prostate cancer, they speculate that it is a way through which our body processes fatty acids ingredient that can damage cells DNA and weaken the immune system, media reported.
Omega-3 fatty acids have been the focus of many studies in the past years, most of which suggested that they had a wide array of health benefits if consumed as part of a balanced diet, transmits"Therefore I will not recommend any man to change his diet due to the completion of this study, but they can talk to their doctor if they are concerned about prostate cancer," advised Ian Frame, director in Prostate Cancer Research UK.
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in Europe, and throughout life, from prostate cancer affected every sixth male.