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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Total deletions therapy exercises for shoulder with "rotate cuff"

Shoulder disorders (shoulder) are more common. Almost 30% of people who experience shoulder pain at some stage of their lives.For people aged over 65 years of shoulder pain are the most common musculus-skeletal problem.

Msc. Pht. M.Tifeku Irfan
Master of Physiotherapy
wire. 00377 45 330 144
Besides high incidence, scapular dysfunction is often continuous and repeated in 54% of people who have had continuous reporting of symptoms of 3 years. Manshetes pathology Rotator (Rotator Cuff) and subacromial bursa considered to be the main causes of pain and symptoms arising from the shoulders. What is worrying is that the shoulder pathology is associated with substantial dysfunction and morbidity.
There are several studies about the effectiveness of conservative treatment. Although the current evidence is insufficient to allow definitive conclusions to conservative treatment deletions of "rotate cuff" subacromiale of shoulder pain is usually treated with therapy non-operative training, drugs non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), corticosteroid injection, shock-wave therapy, and other approaches.
Results of tests (tests) controlled random and systematic review of interventions for pathology "Rotate Cuff" and shoulder pain suggest that exercise can be an effective treatment, but there is a definite need for trials (tests) well-planned controlled to investigate the effectiveness of exercise in the management of the full and massive Tear "Rotator Cuff".

Presentation of the case study
The patient was a 53-year-old man who was suffering from a moderate pain in his right shoulder because he pulled a heavy object. Two days after the incident, due to the fall in an outstretched hand while climbing, he felt a very severe pain in the same area. Three days after the second incident, the patient was introduced in physical therapy clinic "Physiotherapy". He reported pain in his right shoulder, the first visit (Visual Analog Scale (VAS) = 9-10). In assessing the goniometer, right shoulder forward flexion was 150 degrees and 130 degrees abduksion painful. Internal rotation can be done with a lot of pain, not suitable for measuring the goniometer. Other movements were relatively normal shoulder and left shoulder was completely normal. Tests on the right shoulder showed a positive result for NEER sign violation, Empty Can test, Hawkins Kennedy and Speed ​​Test test. In assessing the neck, string movement was normal and there was no pain. In evaluating postures that patient had chest kyphotic Posture, Posture of the head forward, arms straight scapular; and muscle shrinking right upper trapezius and levator scapulae.
During the five days mentioned, there is no treatment used except Trigger point massage therapist and manual on the injured shoulder for relaxation.There was no disease in the patient's medical history and he does not use any special treatment.
His history of the sport showed that in the past 10 years he went regularly twice a week for two hours each session, he went mountain climbing about 10 hours a week, and ran 20 kilometers at least 2 days a week.
In ultrasonography of the right shoulder that has had a complete tear of the supraspinatus tendon and other tendons were suspected of rupture and leakage was reported about tendines the biceps that was in favor of biceps tendonitis.
In MRI without contrast in the shoulder of the patient, a 17-mm gap reported in the introduction of the supraspinatus tendon. The fluid in the joint space of under-Deltoid, sub-acromial is also reported. Cuff rupture of ligaments and biceps tendon is not reported in MRI. Bone marrow edema was evident in greater tuberosity.
After the first visit, 10 sessions of physical therapy modalities (tens, US, heating the surface) are done once in two days, each session for 45 minutes. Besides modality, 15 mg tablet Meloxicam was prescribed for the patient twice a day, which is taken only for the first three days by the patient. An exercise program started by the fifth session of physical therapy modalities (2 weeks after the injury).
Exercise program under the supervision of physiotherapist twice a week in the first month of training and exercises are performed every day at home.The cooperation of the patient during 6 months of treatment was excellent and he head learned exercises with high precision. In the early days of the training program, the patient consulted two orthopedic surgeon, both suggested a surgery on tendons of manshetës. However, due to his fear he decided to carry out fiscal program for 6 months. If fiscal program failed, he would have had an operation. Patient benefit was that you left a surgical intervention.
In the first phase of the program of practice, passive ROM exercises are done in the form of forward flexion, internal rotation, external rotation, and abduksionit. Pendulum exercise, exercise isometrike shoulder, chin tuck, back extension, exercise shrug been made at this stage also. All these exercises are done 30 times a day. Expansion exercises (stretching) to the posterior capsule (posterior), previous capsule (anterior), inferior capsule, and trapezius muscles were done twice a day. Every time 5 repetitions were made for 15 seconds. During the first month of treatment, they were supervised training exercises twice a week for an hour under the supervision of physiotherapist doctor. If there was a problem in carrying out exercises by the patient, provided necessary recommendations. On other days of the exercises are done in-house.
After receiving the full passive ROM shoulder including a reduction of pain, the drug electrophoresis., Training of manpower for Rotator Cuff was initiated from the second month as the second phase of treatment. Phase includes exercise (0 -30 degree abduction), internal strengthening exercises to external rotatory (0 abduction scale, scaption (0-60 scale), internal rotate and external (45 degree abduction), and biceps ( 0-90 scale) exercise. Three weeks later the third stage exercises have begun and are developing attractive strength training and exercises (stretching) for the neck.
At the beginning of the third month of therapy, muscle training periscapular Foam is added to the previous exercises. Postponing (push up) of the wall, extending the wall up with medical ball, "push up" plus were conducted as 3 sets of 10 repetitions every other day except exercise. Rigorous training strengthening the scourge has grown gradually over the coming months as 3 sets of 15 repetitions and abduction was done in high angles. Medical ball exercises are done to push up workout quadruped, diagonal drill. At the beginning of each treatment session sport, systematic heat 10-15 minutes of brisk walking is done. At the end of each session of treatment, the ice is applied on the right shoulder for 20 min. After three months of training therapy, the patient was allowed to swim twice a week. Given a little pain in full abduction, he was advised not to have full strokes.
At the end of the training program of 6 months, the patient's pain according to VAS amounted to 0. In fiscal program evaluation after 6 months, there was a negative result for NEER sign violation, Empty Can test, Hawkins Kennedy test, and the test speed; however, the scapular winging continued. These results continued through the month 9. In examining goniometer, there were 146 degree and 170 degree flexing abduction front right shoulder.
At the end of 6 months of treatment, ultrasonically of the shoulder showed difference compared to before treatment. In contrast MRI on the shoulder without patient, a 14-mm gap reported in the introduction of tendon supranational. Lingual joint space under-acromial sub-triangle is reported. Bone marrow edema was evident in greater tuberculosis. After completing the program, the patient has initiated mountain climbing twice a week, and he swam twice a week, each time for 2 hours.
It is better to follow-up patients 3 years after treatment to study the long term effects of conservative therapy.
Patient house was very close to the place of inpatient treatment. On the other hand, since the patient was retired, he could take part in a session of treatment or supervision and he had a satisfactory cooperation. It can be concluded that familiarity and having a history of sports and exercise, and careful execution models trained by the patient were very helpful in his treatment outcome. Having regard to the opinion of the therapist, the patient's cooperation in carrying out exercises prudent is one of the most important factors in the effectiveness of exercise therapy. / Telegraph /

What do hair for your health

Experts find that our hair talk about our health much more than we think. The state of our hair can reveal many health problems.

Related to this is you bring five changes in hair and hair that may be the sign of a serious health problem. If you notice similar changes in your hair, seek a doctor's advice, reports Telegraph.
1. Dry hair issued and thin
Many factors make dry hair, including hair colors, the use of apparatus for drying hair and swimming in chlorinated water. However, significant changes in the structure of hair can be an indicator of inactivity of the thyroid gland. Hypothesizes other symptoms are fatigue, body overweight, slow work of the heart and of the cold vent.
2. Lestrade scalp with spots
when the head start created scabies, it usually is a symptom of psoriasis.The difference between dandruff and psoriasis can be seen from what scabby created. Psoriasis is the most common disease of all autoimmune disease and occurs when the skin charged more. Psoriasis often appears with some other autoimmune diseases such as Crone diseases, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, so the chance that it is the greatest place if you have one of these diseases.
3. Excessive hair fall
Dermatologists explain that during the day we lose between 90 to 100 hairs, which is normal. The largest decline in the number of hairs, but if it comes to seasonal decline (in the fall and spring hair fall more us) could be due to the bad food. Our locks require protein, iron, zinc, vitamin A and omega 3 fatty bitter, in order to be healthy.
4. Dry hair, brittle easily
Breaking hair is most often a result of aggressive treatment such as painting, flattening or making their locks. In the middle is Cushion syndrome, the disorder of the adrenal glands work that causes increased production of the hormone Coriolis. This condition is often hereditary or the result of injury to the parathyroid glands during any surgical undertaking head or neck. Extremely low levels of parathyroid hormone in the blood causes the level of calcium and phosphorus, which leads to dry hair breakage.
5. Hair loss in zylyfet small, round
Alopecia area is an autoimmune disease which is manifested by loss of hair in specific zylyfet round. Immunological composition of hair follicles backfire, reducing or even causing hair fall. More common is the family that are exposed against autoimmune diseases, but the most common cause is diabetes disease itself. Besides hair loss, alopecia areata also causes of hair falling eyebrows and eyelashes. 

It requires approximately two million compensation for cotton forgot doctors during operation

Rachael Erceg has undergone Caesarean section because you can not do that with normal deliveries.

Erceg and Bebi were in good condition and was released by the Chicago Women's Hospital, reports Telegraph.
However, 31-year-old had to return to the hospital eight times because suffer from pain in the abdomen and other symptoms.
Nearly a year later, it was proven that she has in her womb a cotton, which is used to collect the blood, during the intervention in section C.
Erceg family have sued the hospital where the event occurred and require minimun a half million compensation. 

Мedical examination should do every 20-year-old girl

Early diagnosis can save your life, money and time.

Health care, such as medical visits, eating healthy foods, making physical activity etc. It is something that almost always promise ourselves but it does not always apply and this applies more to those who are young."Yyyy time," think young and 30s face as many problems as it does not know where to begin. But there are some things that should not ever overlook.

Examinations for sexually transmitted diseases (genital and extra-genital)
While STD genital examinations are a must, a Johns Hopkins University study found that doctors were saving numerous cases of gonorrhea and chlamydia in areas such as throat. This requires extra-genital examinations for these diseases have certain signs and over time can cause serious health problems.
Analysis for measuring cholesterol levels
heart ailments are among the biggest causes of death in the world and high cholesterol level is a risk factor that you can control. In cases of increased risk (such as family history of the disease) start to make adequate controls at the age of 20 years. Reduce the possibility to be affected by such diseases by eating healthy foods, avoiding smoking and doing regular physical activity.
We know you are tired of this and of ngulurit eyes in posters that show how to do self-control. But caught in time suspicious glands in the chest and examining them dramatically increases the chances of a successful treatment. Various studies have shown that breast cancer is more aggressive in women under age 50 years and frequent mammography have been very effective in reducing the number of deaths from this disease.
Pap test
Yes, it is like going to eat ice cream but making a Pap test is * not * dire kaaaq do. While widely known that this test should be done when you start physical activity, studies have shown that the Pap test should be done every 3-5 years, since the age of 21 years. Just relax, breathe and focus on something in the ceiling. It will end sooner than you realize.
Leather examination
Skin cancer is a disease that has begun to spread rapidly thanks to addiction that people have started to create to tan, writes Annabel.Knowing your skin and follow MARK and other aberrations, will help you identify serious problems in time. 

The trend of "tattoos" that bald head, makes it seem like there is hair (Video)

It often happens that men lose confidence, along with hair loss.

To cover the bald head, was now used "tattoos" - a non-surgical method, which provide image shaved head, reports Telegraph.
The procedure called "Micro Scalp Pigmentation" small scars on the head, which makes it seem strand.
This method can be used to cover the entire bald scalp, until it is perfect in case of lack of a piece of hair or a small sign.
This procedure starts from 2,700 euros, to four thousand euros, while the hair implant is more expensive than ten thousand euros. 

To have the body as bloated, endangering life by injecting oil and alcohol (Video)

In order to be like his idol from the films "The Incredible Hulk", a 25-year-old boy and injected exercised during oil and alcohol in his hands.

Romario Alves Dos Santos has used lethal cocktail, making now face a range of health problems, reports Telegraph.
Former guard said fluid has used, has not he have clear mind and tried suicide, when his wife was pregnant at the sixth month.
25-year-old boy said that his highly developed body, scares children Calvas city Novas in Brazil, who call the "beast" and "monster".
With biceps that reaches up to 63 centimeters, the father of a child now is very regretful, though saved from amputation of hands.

Stop the spread of feet stink

Summer time brings with shoes and clothing similar open. Fingers, nails and heels have to be exposed to foreign eyes, so Body is essential if you want to look good while hygiene is mandatory!

If you smell bothers legs bring you some tips that can help you, whether you wear light sneakers or sandals open.
Needle What to wear?
Did you know that each foot contains more than 250,000 sweat glands?Sweat itself has no flavor, but creates fertile ground for bacteria that spread easily and create odors. Certain materials may contribute sweating fetched, because impossible "airing" of the heels regularly, so doctors advise of cotton socks and avoid those artificial materials, such as polyester or nylon.
What shoe running as quickly?
Although bare feet also means less sweating due to stocking, on the other, can mean more sweating because of the material from which they are made ​​shoes. Shoes from antilopi or plastic materials containing more moisture, which means that the bacteria spread more easily and cause sweating and foot odor.
If you decide to sandals or closed footwear shoe without socks, then inside antiperspirant or powder sprinkle with children first footwear.
Change shoes
Regardless of the type of shoes you wear, try not to use the same every day. This has nothing to do with fashion, but is hygienic care. If the evening should go, also wear a pair of shoes other than those who have put on in the morning or day.
Good air your shoes before you leave in the closet - do not enter while they are wet from sweat.
Keep feet clean and dry
the best measure to prevent bad odor is good hygiene. Use antibacterial soap to clean the details feet - and every day!
After the good shower towel dry feet and pay great attention to the spaces between the fingers. Your feet should be dry, because in this way prevent the chances of fungus, which mostly have success in humid environment.
Make the heels regularly peeling to remove dead skin cells or to solve the problem of skin thickening, transmits After smoothing heels, use moisturizing lotion.
and layers of activated carbon bikarboni soda can provide great assistance if you want to leave bad smell and to keep feet dry.
The natural way
If you want to remove bad smell in water and vinegar bucket dismiss it in proportion 2: 1 and a few minutes immerse the feet to neutralize the smell.Equally so every day you can enjoy the shower for the feet, which consists of black tea too strong. Leave to cool and immerse the feet half an hour - Tannins from tea eliminates bacteria and closes the pores in the feet.