Wednesday, March 4, 2015
No oysters sea, but these are promising sex aphrodisiac memorable
Oysters, food, chili, avocado and shpargulli are known aphrodisiac, supposedly keep you awake all night. Dr. Ferguson Charity, from Britain, says that the problem with success can choose exactly the way of nutrition.

Without doubt there are foods by which also feel more sex. So, start together with your partner to try out one by one, the following products until you find out what works in you.
Coco oil
taste fantastic addition, this type of oil is an excellent lubricant, which is also well known seductive fragrance.
taste fantastic addition, this type of oil is an excellent lubricant, which is also well known seductive fragrance.
This sauce, which the main components is garlic, which contains alibi, is an integral miracle which will further increase sexual desire.
This sauce, which the main components is garlic, which contains alibi, is an integral miracle which will further increase sexual desire.
Melting ice grains can boost sexual awakening (remind cult film "Nine and a half weeks").
Melting ice grains can boost sexual awakening (remind cult film "Nine and a half weeks").
Red meat
proteins and zinc are true sweets for testosterone, but since red meat has more calories, be careful about the amount that it would consume.
proteins and zinc are true sweets for testosterone, but since red meat has more calories, be careful about the amount that it would consume.
is rich in vitamin B, which also stimulates the secretion of testosterone and astrogjenit. Let imagination let rage and allow yourself a bit contagious games.
is rich in vitamin B, which also stimulates the secretion of testosterone and astrogjenit. Let imagination let rage and allow yourself a bit contagious games.
Red Trees
These trees were delicious sweet and do good to both men and women, whereas men improve even more the quality of sperm. Among others, who would not like strawberry in chocolate with champagne.
These trees were delicious sweet and do good to both men and women, whereas men improve even more the quality of sperm. Among others, who would not like strawberry in chocolate with champagne.
Even the most passionate kiss between two lovers has failed to equate with good feeling that causes chocolates. Researchers say that the amount of endofinës, which is produced from eating chocolate, leads to increased sexual satisfaction.
Even the most passionate kiss between two lovers has failed to equate with good feeling that causes chocolates. Researchers say that the amount of endofinës, which is produced from eating chocolate, leads to increased sexual satisfaction.
is known that large amount of alcohol affects not good libidonë male but also female, reports Telegraph. However, if you decide just for a glass of quality SANGRIN likely to experience pleasant surprise.
is known that large amount of alcohol affects not good libidonë male but also female, reports Telegraph. However, if you decide just for a glass of quality SANGRIN likely to experience pleasant surprise.
salad with characteristic flavor is an excellent choice for dinner with your partner. Be creative and add olive oil with some Bademe and dried plums.
salad with characteristic flavor is an excellent choice for dinner with your partner. Be creative and add olive oil with some Bademe and dried plums.
FIG has a long history of being the instigator of fertility and is excellent aphrodisiac because it is packed with soluble fiber and non soluble, which is important for heart health. In appearance, shijeje, improves mood and increases our lust.
FIG has a long history of being the instigator of fertility and is excellent aphrodisiac because it is packed with soluble fiber and non soluble, which is important for heart health. In appearance, shijeje, improves mood and increases our lust.
These two sexy stills certainly provide ongoing satisfaction
For longer sex is recommended that men sit on the edge of the bed or on the edge of the couch, with the foot on the floor, while females outmaneuver hands around the neck and legs around the waist. In this position there is strong pressure ...

However, if you choose true pose in bed, you can continue the pleasure, while your partner will surely appreciate you know.
First of all, avoid pose "missionary", but also "from behind", because in those stills male has an active role. Therefore, if you can not have self-control, mostly premature ejaculation occurs.
For long sex is recommended that the male sits on the edge of the bed or sofa, with foot on the floor, while females outmaneuver hands around the neck, and legs around the waist. In this position there is strong person, because women with belly movement sets the pace, while the male is passive.
Sexologist recommend the pose in which the man lies quiet in the back, while the partner of hip above, his face turned from him. Practically it manages the game and controls the situation.
Is your penis the biggest? The average length of it is this!
In the journal "British Journal of Urology" was published study entitled "A'm normal?", While research has shown that the average penis length in the sitting position is nine, while the penis erect something longer than 13 centimeters.
To arrive at these numbers, their study British researchers have included even 96 previously published works on the subject, reports Telegraph.

For most women, the only measure which is mostly important is the volume of the penis (the average is 11.65 cm), because the vagina is very sensitive to the outside, says dr. David Veale, author of the report.
The majority of men are concerned about their penis size, although part on average. This type of anxious called "small penis syndrome" - writes the author of the study.
Research has shown how even 85 percent of women are satisfied with the size of the penis of their partners, but only 55 percent of men were satisfied with their penis.
However, researchers in the end add the numbers that have not even so much about satisfying your partner.
In society circulate different ideas as to what's important to bed, while very few are those who are scientifically based on this matter.
Honey with water, to weaken with sweets
A spoonful of honey in the morning is the best diet and healthy.

For every gram of sugar it consumes per day, wins two grams fat body, writes class magazine. Therefore excluding food all sugars and sweets artificial (hidden or processed - sweet foods) and replace them with honey.
Start and finish the day with honey:
Breakfast: Start the day with one or two tablespoons of honey in a medium glass of hot water.
During the day: Use honey in tea or coffee. Honey is about two times sweeter than sugar, so that the amount should be half.
Dinner: One or two tablespoons of honey in warm water 30 minutes before you go to bed.
Caution: Do not hang over quantity, because honey excessive increases in blood sugar levels by increasing insulin levels.
Offer BYPASS Medicine Hospital have successfully
Success was achieved dizzying offer free heart check in Hospital Medicine. Hospital arrived within the week to treat over 800 patients in need. It was not the last offer, Hospital continued with other similar offerings.
Seeing the growing interest of visitors to the controls, intervention and surgery in the heart of Hospital Medicine, the first and only in Kosovo with heart surgical services 24 hours a day, at the end of December launched next bid price for coronary bypass Promotional for more than two months.

Regular audits influence in preventing the deterioration of patients and affect the operations to be more successful, "said Op. Dr. Mehmet Nuri Karabulut Hospital Medicine. Within offer many patients were checked until 21 persons were successfully operated in open heart. "I am very grateful for the relief it gave us the hospital taking into account the difficult financial conditions. My Operation succeeded and under controls that have made recovery is continuing with regular steps.
I feel confident in the support of the doctor who operated on, "said one of the patients operated with this offer. Hospital Medicine will continue in the future to take care for providing such opportunities solidarity with all people. citizens. "We are very pleased that we were able to make such support to people in need, and feel obliged to support citizens whenever possible," added Hospital director finally Medicine.
Seven Truths for kidney stones
Below are seven truths to kidney stones.
1. For unknown reasons the number of people with kidney stones has increased in recent years. In the '70's of last century, 3.8% of people had problems with kidney stones, in the 90s, this number rose to 5.2%, while in 2010, 5.8% of the population considered the world with kidney stones.Prevalence of kidney stone increases with age dramatically. Males appear after age 40 years and continues to grow until the age of 70 years. In females, the frequency of kidney stones reaches its maximum at the age of 50 years.
2. Kidney stones may not cause pain when in the kidney. But, if you go by the kidneys and urinary canal fed can cause more severe pain. Symptoms of kidney stones that move are: strong pungent pain in the back, stomach, groin, may cause blood in the urine. If there is associated with urinary tract infection, you may have a fever and body temperature rise.
3. Diagnosis issued based on typical symptoms which causes kidney stone vi, and with the help of some diagnostic methods such as ray recording -X in the urinary tract, urografi with contrast or computerized tomography. For pregnant women or for patients in whom it is not desirable or advisable radiation (radiation), then we can help control ultrasound finding diagnosis.
4. Most kidney stones spontaneously discharged into the urinary channel in the first 48 hours after the start of the attack and kidney. Pain medication can help relieve the symptoms. Several factors can affect the removal of kidney stones from the urinary canal. These include the size and physical structure of the patient, previous releases of spontaneous kidney stone, prostate enlargement, pregnancy, etc.
5. The size of the stone is of great importance. 4 mm sized stone has 80% chance of spontaneously discharged while 5 mm stone size is 20%. stone larger than 9-10 mm rarely spontaneously discharged, therefore requires is any kind of treatment.
6. The most common cause of kidney stone is insufficient intake of fluids, transmit Recommended adequate intake of fluids so that urine has a pale yellow color and more diluted. Every day should drink at least 8-10 glasses of water and urinate more frequently.
7. For the stones that do not spontaneously discharged from urinary tract, another method is used called litotripsi (breaking the stone). When performing this procedure, shock waves are used to break the stone into tiny particles which then will be discharged spontaneously in the urinary tract. There and surgical techniques to remove the stone from the kidney and urinary tract (nefrolitotomi ureterorenoskopija either percutaneous or open surgery).

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