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Thursday, April 30, 2015

These are foods that contain 100 calories

Prefer a plate with strawberries or a third of the string that chocolate? Or prefer four peaches, instead of a piece of cheese?

Most of us do not know how many calories contain the usual things, to eat without control every day, reports Telegraph.
Research shows that many ignore the number of calories in food, taking more calories. This is not only bad for the body line, but we damages teeth and can affect our mood.
Dietitian Helen Bond expert has made ​​this summary of foods that contain up to 100 calories, and the results are surprising ...  / Telegraph /

Sugar makes skin older

In a survey conducted by American scientists has discovered that blood sugar levels can

In the research participated 670 persons aged 50 to 70 years. Results have shown that any increase in the level of blood sugar for 1 mmol / L makes the skin for 5 months old.
Previous research has shown that excessive consumption of sugar negatively affects the production of collagen and elastinit, which give skin elasticity, which can cause the creation of early signs of aging.
If you want to save the youth, it is time to be careful with the consumption of sugar. However, this does not mean that sugar is bad, but carbohydrates, broadcasts. The important thing is quantity, but also the type of carbohydrates that you consume.
Experts bring some advice with the help of which will check the consumption of sugar:
• Avoid refined sugars because there is no nutritional value, which means that is not necessary for the organism;
• Eat pastries and bread from integral cereals;
• replace white rice with integral;
• Avoid juices and artificial ëmbëltuesit;
• Consume natural sugar by fresh fruit or dried. 

Cocaine causes "profound changes" in the brain, which makes the user more dependent

Scientists have warned that cocaine makes changes to "depth" in the brain - even if used only once.

These changes reduce self-control and do not stop the desire to consume again, reports Telegraph.
Peter McCormic researcher from the University of Southern England, said: "Only a single dose of cocaine, can change the entire architecture of the brain and create dependency, which requires the user to get back in."
In experiments with mice, it was found that cocaine you put them by a "wedge" between the two major proteins of the brain and blocks the communication between them.
This lack of communication causes the brain to be hard to deal with stress and pressure, finding solace in cocaine.
In the study published in the Journal of Neuroscience, shows that we are working on this "wedge" in the brain, which causes cocaine.
Findings from this research will be used to help addicts white substance. 

Is it effective running in place?

Cardiovascular exercises are type of exercises that speed up heart function, breathing and promote sweating. Running in place meets all the conditions, and therefore may be viewed as cardiovascular exercise.

Experts point out that running in place, which can make even in the comfort of your home is also great for people who do not have access to the parks for jogging, broadcasts. Even with a research has shown that running in the environment filled with gases (street, highway) can do more harm than good. If you are fans of outdoor running, try to arrange your time so that you run in the morning, when it is less the presence of environmental gases.
Running in place is a good choice for those who can not donate money to buy the track for jogging or gym membership. It is also excellent because it can run completely barefoot, so instinctively will start and run properly.
The technique - is quite simple. Get a good pair of sneakers or stay on a soft surface. Begin to run in place, but raise your hand because it will encourage additional expenditure of calories. There are also different variants of running the country. Thus, for example, can raise your knees closer to the chest or to quicken the pace.
Expenditure of calories - Although different from outdoor running or tape, running in place gives almost the same results. And in an hour running in place (5 km / h) spent about 563 calories (70 kilograms heavier persons).
Strengths - Besides spending calories, running in the country has also many other advantages. Can be run at any time of the day, while watching television or listening to music, reports Good health is also equally outdoor sprint or tape, and also helps in the formation of the body and weakening. Higher results will notice on foot, groin and buttock.
Start - If you have problems with health, first of all consult a physician because running is not the best solution for everyone. It is best to start and run in a period of 30 minutes 4 times a week. When you notice the growth of sports sustainability, gradually increase the running time. At first it is important to make a day of rest in between each training.