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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Non waxing women are sexier, healthier and more intelligent!

Almost all women hate their body hair and want to solve this problem, so it is the best choice watched by aesthetic. However, there are reasons not to remove. Here's how ...

Wounds heal faster
wound Comparing located on the inside of the hand, where there is hair, and wound which is located in a place where there is hair, the latter will recover faster. This is the case because the root of the hair contains stem cells which help in wound healing, reports Telegraph.
To protect from the sun
hairs which we have inherited from our ancestors, while their function is to protect us from external influences, first of all, from the cold, but also from the harmful effects of the sun. Of course, now he does not have that much body hair as our ancestors, but they are nonetheless in protection from harmful effects of the sun.
Protect from sores
In some countries, where friction can occur skin, hair can provide a dose of "slippery" and prevent friction from which caused sores. What is objectionable is that those parts of the skin which mainly ladies want to not have hair, such as the bikini area.
Blood circulation
So toes can be indicators of good blood circulation t, because due to bad circulation, those hairs may fall.
Natural aroma
armpit hair removal difficult expanding natural fragrances. Although they smell we consider filth, they still have the natural function, while he function is attracting potential sexual partner.

Medication witch should not mixed with physical activities

Even if it comes to a short stay in the gym or aerobic classes, sometimes it is in your best interest to mix certain medications and physical activity. Find out which drugs, in combination with exercise, can damage your health.

If you notice that anti-allergy medications make you drowsy, make sure they get after a visit to the gym or the jogging path. Is it safe to take aspirin before cycling? When it comes to treatment with medication, really should you care at all possible effects, good or bad.
Beta obstacle are a group of drugs used to reduce blood pressure, glaucoma, migraine, or heart problems.
Beta obstacle slow heart rate and therefore are a very bad combination with exercises aimed at increasing the number of beatings. This gives the body conflicting messages, and in this case the tire very quickly, which can be very frustrating. Talk to your doctor about the combination of beta obstacle and exercises, make sure if they are really necessary for your condition. In some cases, beta obstacle are only an option so it will be good to your doctor to explain all the details.
Pain medicines are divided into two groups, these are analgesic and ibuprofen which eases the pain but reduces swelling and inflammation.
Pain is usually a sign that something is wrong, usually it comes to tissue injury and therefore excessive use of analgesics should bother you. In particular, attention should be given to drugs that contain ibuprofen, because its consequences could be water retention in the body, which during exercise may charge cardiovascular system even more.
Mainly antidepressants act relaxing, and most common are those that make chemical imbalance in the brain to elevate mood, transmits During the first week of taking antidepressants can be displayed fatigue and lack of will.
The consequence of antidepressants may also be sudden increase in weight while physical activity is very important for mood disorders. If antidepressants put you to sleep more, Never receive before exercise or talk to a doctor to alter their therapy.
Same is with antihistamines, drugs that are taken for different types of allergies (by pollen, animal hair ...). They in most cases cause fatigue and lethargy, and it never goes in our favor if, for example, go for jogging, because it would fall concentration and could easily come to harm.

In the belly of a man with mental problems, they found dozens of coins and nails (Video)

Doctors thought he was hungry or suffer from ulcers, but then were surprised that what they saw.

Doctors thought he was hungry or suffer from ulcers, but then were surprised that what they saw.
His pain came from coins and nails, which had eaten for three consecutive years, reports Telegraph.
Rajpal Singh had swallowed 140 coins, 150 nails, and bolts, screws, batteries and a magnet.
Through endoscopy, doctors discovered "mine" inside man 36-years old and started after "digging" to save it.
After 240 interventions, doctors in Punjab of India, managed to extract objects from metal, but there is still work to be done.
"When devoured any metal tool, feel better," said Singh, who suffers from depression, because of the difficult economic situation.

Be careful from menstrual disorders!

Menstrual disorders usually associated with exit signs as acne, increased hair, infertility and obesity.

Menstrual cycle begins at the age of female adolescence. Menstrual disorders are more frequent in the early years and occur in 75% of women.The most common disorder is the delay of menstruation; there are times when they do not appear at all.
A delayed menstruation associated later with more bleeding and a longer duration.
Infertility is one of the negative consequences of menstrual disorders and occurs in 40% of patients. Sound affects, also about 40% of girls and sometimes weight reduction is the right solution.
To find out the reason for these menstrual disorders should be done some tests and ultrasound checks to see hormonal and ovarian.
The problem of excess weight is the most frequent problem that affects the cycle disorder. Excess weight may cause type 2 diabetes, cholesterol and heart problems. The main goal here is to normalize the menstrual cycle.
Of patients under 35 years old, which do not require children first preference are oral contraceptives, writes Start. For those who do not wish to receive contraceptives, doctors suggest balancing cycle medicines in certain periods.
Must maintain ideal weight. Noteworthy is continuous control specialist doctor.

The man with the giant kidney, organs were increased as a newborn baby

Surgeons have removed kidneys that each of them weighing as a newborn child, from a man who was suffering from genetic diseases.

His internal organs were increased twenty times more than the normal form, doing to weigh 2.7 kilograms, reports Telegraph
Increased kidney, had made the 45-year-old have different problems that were caused by the space occupied in the body, blocking other organs.
Only a week after the first kidney removed, surgeons Sin Gangma Ram Hospital, have successfully removed the second kidney.Normally, a kidney weighs 125 to 170 grams, while the man from Dhule of India, has been increasing in size giant, which has made ​​him enter the Guinness Book of Records.