Stress has become a part of our lives fabricating busy and obligations, but it causes havoc on our health and our lives in general.

Read to find measures that can relieve you from stress, reports Telegraph.
The impact of stress
or adrenaline produced All epinefrina during stress, survival method often issued during these busy days. The adrenaline released when you are under mental pressure and body says to turn sugar stored by the liver into glucose, because the energy that the body becomes necessary to raise the alarm about the possible war, or struggle for survival.
The bad news is that this scenario almost never played and released into the blood sugar is not used. Being stored as fat, one of two things can happen on the type of prolonged survival.
A: Your body will be deposited as fat sugar released and will require more energy from sugar. This adds weight (an undesirable side effect of stress).
Two: all this stress and strain Herculean it constantly drains your body of energy, until the end, inevitably, the body is crushed by overburden. This might be the adrenal exhaustion, nervous breakdown or destroyed immune system and thus become exposed human diseases. Vicious cycle repeated itself and it seems that people are not able to emerge from this terrible race.
Download stress
Here are some healthy habits that can be integrated into your daily life to help released from stress forever.
1. reduce caffeine: caffeine stimulates the release of adrenaline. Cease from cups of coffee and teas picks free of caffeine, with good therapeutic.Or, you can reduce your caffeine making replacing coffee with green tea, which has caffeine as 1/3 of a cup of coffee, but also good in the form of polyphenols antioxidants.
2. Meditation: Daily meditative program can become your number one method to breathing at the end of the day the charge and release tension.
3. Take breathing: take off stress, remove. Specific tasks may detoxing your body and renew your being. Try this exercise and arrived intention slowdown, tenderness and deepen each breath taking.With each exhalation, pronounce the word peace in your mind and remove the tension from the body, starting from the top of the head going through each part of the rupee, until you arrive at the end of your heels.
4. Clean up the mess: have you heard the word of what you possess, you will possess you then? Not only these things consume your energy for maintenance of cleaning, but also added to confusion, making you disorganized and thus raising stress levels. Reduce and let them go.Good rule is: anything that you have not used for six months can donate to any charity.
5. Clarify schedule: reduced commitments in your calendar meetings. If you strive to find some free time, try to at least one day of the week to go alone ... and having fun!
6. reshape your perspective: While skip through a day, pay attention to what causes feelings of stress. Our response has to do more than it will affect us; by re-framed our perspective on stressful situations, we often see that the risk is largely an illusion and s remain calm in mind.