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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

THE TRUTH ABOUT SEX: Should I take so much!

It proved conclusively that sex should last as normal. Not as in pornographic films.

We bring you the latest information regarding how to last a normal sex.
Seksologic, reports Telegraph, presented numbers, so you evaluate yourself which category you belong:
Sex too short - the duration of penetration is one to two minutes is definitely short for each female however be excited.
Sex enough - there will probably surprise you, but in this category is also the penetration that lasts three to seven minutes.
Sex desirable - between seven and thirteen minutes of penetration.
Sex too long - between 10 and 30 minutes, because women will certainly have problems with humidity of the vagina.
The reasons for defining the duration of sex desirable outcomes research which showed that a large number of people of both sexes exemplary considers that sex is one that lasts 10 and 30 minutes , which experts have described it again impact pornography.

Does vagina can "expand" during the sex

Here's what he has to say on the subject dr. Lauren Streicher, a professor of gynecology and obstetrics at Northwestern University.

Sit back! - The body of a woman, including the vagina, is done in a way that is flexible and has great power of adapting to different situations, from sex to men with large penis to the birth, "she says - Telegraph broadcasts.
When a woman is excited, the vagina passes through some major physical changes. Increased blood circulation in the genital region helps in lubricating the walls "wrinkled" of the vagina, and when that happens, those "wrinkles" as "exempt" little relieved tissue, thus creating completely sufficient place for penis, regardless Considering the size.
If the partner has very large penis, dr. Streicher recommends that in such cases the use lubricant additive, even someone who has basic water: "vagina becomes" slippery, whereas sex more comfortable, more entertaining and more fun ".
If after sex feel bash "tight as usual", there is no reason for concern.Vagina exactly a long time has been more than normally, says dr.Streicher.
When there is a problem, or feeling as if the vagina is not sufficiently "strong", most often the problem is not the vagina itself, but the last of the pelvic muscles. So Kegelit exercises. Every day. Without any harm. 

Colon cancer - the disease that kills!

The month of March is National Colorectal Cancer, so let's learn more about this second leading cause of cancer deaths.

Dr. Sc. Lida Shosha
General surgeons - Proktologe
American Hospital Tirana
+355 42 357 535/038 221 661
One of the most serious problems facing the digestive system in the human body, is cancer of the colon. A problem worldwide, incidence of this disease is more than 1 million young people affected each year, and regarding the annual mortality from the disease, it is estimated at more than 500 thousand cases. Colorectal cancer ranks second on the list of tumors, in terms of mortality in both sexes, but with a higher incidence in males. The risk of colon cancer varies from one country to another within the same country, and from individual to individual, heirs factors, genetics, lifestyle, diet, smoking etc. Illness is the third most diagnosed among tumor diseases and ranks second on deaths from cancer in men and women, and anal cancer accounts for about 4% of cases diagnosed with colon cancer.
What is colon cancer?
Cancer is the formation of atypical tumor cells that grow in the wall of the colon and being developed, gradually affecting all its wall and spread locally and remotely to other organs of the body. About 95% of cases, adenocarcinoma and lymphoma rest and squamous cell carcinoma.
Disease risk factors
• Age over 50 years, male sex, excessive consumption of fats, red meat, alcohol, obesity, smoking, etc.
• Some situations hereditary polyposis as family adeno¬matoze (FAP) that occupies about 1% of cases of colorectal cancer or Lynch syndrome (HNPCC), which accounts for about 3% of colorectal cancer cases.
• Personal ■ History of colon polyp or cancer of the ovary, breast or endometrium.
• Family history for colon cancer. These people are 2-3 times more likely to develop cancer than those without family history.
• inflammatory diseases of the colon.
Symptoms of cancer depend on the location of the tumor and the extent of its spread.
Classic signs of colon tumor are:
• Bleeding from the rectum
• Changes in the way of defecation
• abdominal pain and swelling
• Reduced appetite is reflected in patient weight loss, nausea or vomiting.
• Fatigue expressed bodily
• anal pain
• rectal cancer reduces the quality of life of patients.
Diagnosis of colorectal cancer
• Colonoscopy & biopsy formation found in the colon.
• Advanced Imaging as scanner (CT), PET, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) torako abdomino-pelvic to see the extent of the disease and to divide the its stages.
• Complete with biochemical balance and Markus tumor CEA, C 19-9 gives the surgeon a real picture of the patient's condition.
Treatment of colorectal cancer
are three pillars of the treatment protocol based colorectal cancer: surgical treatment + chemotherapy + radiotherapy.
Surgery: To apply localized tumors surgical operation, which makes complete surgical resection of the tumor clean boundaries to achieve recovery of the patient. This is accomplished with laparatomi or laparaskopi. If there is localized in the liver metastasis in the lungs or they may be removed. Chemotherapy may be used before surgery, especially in cancer of the rectum, but applied and after heart surgery as auxiliary therapy. If the tumor is widely metastasis, then therapy is palliative.Radiotherapy combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy mainly applied to the rectum cancer. Like chemotherapy, radiotherapy is used as therapy preoperatore at certain stages of rectal cancer. Because of sensitivity to radiation intestines that its use is not routine in the treatment of colon cancer.

Preventive measures
- Some of colon cancer can be prevented if the increased supervision and lifestyle habits.
- Recommendations for change in the feeding consist in the consumption of cereals, vegetables, fruits and reducing red meat. Physical activity affects relatively less.
- Taking aspirin and Onsenal (medication that falls in the group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and reduces the incidence of colorectal polyps). Taking vitamin D is associated with reduced incidence of colorectal cancer.
Control with colon examinations
∙ more than 80% of colon cancer comes from polyps adenomatoze, which are identified by colonoscopy and if they are caught 2-3 years before they become symptomatic cancer, cancer deaths down to 60%.
∙ Colonoscopy, flexible sigmoidoskopia, stool occult blood help in early diagnosis of polyps.
∙ By age 50-75 years recommended be done every two years stool occult blood, sigmoidoskopi every 5 years, colonoscopy every 10 years. In cases with high risk, screening should begin after age 40 years. After the age of 75 checks are recommended depending on problematic situations that may arise.

What dare not tell the children

Being a parent is never so simple. Children often know to lead to "madness", but even in such situations there are things that mother and father never dare not tell them their children.

"I have been more responsible in your age" - Never compare your child and tell them that at his age have been more mature or responsible. If you do this, make pressure on the child who understands that there is also perfect as a sign of rebellion becomes even more irresponsible. Instead, remember that even as a child you've had a lot of trouble and strife with the parents and try to remember that how you wanted to select them.
"Always wrong decisions" - Even if your child makes a mistake every once in making any mistake independent, not punish. All make mistakes and learn from mistakes. Rather than rebuke and punish, talk, tell that is proud to be mature enough to take their own decisions, but let them know that sometimes it is better to consult with you, brother, sister or any other person that is close.
"Why did not you like brother / sister?" - Never compare children between themselves and should not insult their personalities, because in this way you create enmity between them, while the child withdraws into himself.
"Let me calm" - surely come back often tired from work, while your child has a million questions prepared for you; The worst thing you can do is to say - let me calm, because the child will feel insulted and ignored. You have to be patient, if you are really tired explain to this child, but offset later.
"You should be ashamed" - This is a very strict statement, which should be avoided. Children often have the ability to be mischievous, but do not reproach with this sentence, but find other ways to learn to distinguish good from evil.
"Always find a way to hurt me" - Children will never deliberately hurt the parents, but if you say this, you will hurt them and will create a sense of guilt.
"You're all as father / mother" - not all couples live happily, but the involvement of children in dispute is something very bad, transmits What do you have to say partner, do so personally, never discuss in a way that could hurt your children.
"Better not to have children, than you" - This statement is really bad, so do not let yourself ever gave you such attack emotional, because it can leave serious consequences on your child, say experts. 

What is the ideal gifts for children?

Children have great fun in life and when do you want them a gift wish first of all that they rejoice. But also must ensure that the gifts be useful and functional for them.

You are advised not to be bound only by the idea of ​​electronic devices, as much as I enjoy and entertain the child, they have serious consequences as addictive to child and isolate it from the real world and away from friends. Although many studies show that video games often develop children's intellect, on the other, slow physical development in children and reduce the feeling of confidence in them. Therefore the most valuable gifts you could ask your child are various sports equipment.
You care that children spend much more time in the fresh air and balance the physical activity and mental for a more healthy childhood. The most valuable gifts you could ask your child are various sports equipment.
One of the devices very high efficiency for physical and mental development of the child is unquestionably bicycle, which would be an ideal gift for children, which you can choose depending on the child's age and interests.
There are 8 main categories of bicycle depending on the child's age and skill level of bicycle riding, ranging from bicycles toys wheeled vehicle type, katërçikletat, tricycles, vrapoçikletat, bicycles with auxiliary wheels, classic pedal bicycles, scooters up to njëçikletat.
The bicycle has a very positive impact on children, as strengthens the muscles, burns calories, strengthens your heart and lungs, prevents obesity and helps the child in his socialization with friends and relatives.
Also, bear in mind that children have their moments delicate and adults alike as they spend their periods of crisis. At the age of 3 there is a crisis in children. It is this age when the child begins to build its relationship with the surrounding world. It starts to become aggressive and make capricious. If the child donate a bike at this age, then give him the opportunity to feel independent and self learn to pilot his first, affecting the child to create confidence in yourself and in turn teach it have patience and courage until you reach the right result.
Stay as close to the child in this delicate to, yell and try to help. Can spend time with your child by teaching him the bike will also be another precious gift that you can make your child the gift does not compare with any other material.

Five years in there life they pass being worried

In the sea of ​​data to that in which we spend our time in life, concerns have begun to occupy a large part of life.

Despite admitting to what you believe, do have a life or many lives, spent five years being worried is irrational waste of time. What is the worst, most often it comes to grief without reason.
According to British research organization, Benenden Health, an adult an average of two hours a day because of work worries, relationship, finances, health, aging and many other things.
Since only worry was not so tragic, but is anxious result of anxiety, which not let you concentrate on work, sleep harder, become more frustrated and more often quarrel with the partner. In short, constant worry leaves health consequences, and it too serious.
Between the main reasons for concern are excessive kilos, aging, financial problems and uncertainty related problems and cancer.
Finally, we remind you that scientists have proved that concern does not solve problems, but to the contrary, strengthens even more. Therefore, solve problems efficiently any to come before the health and perhaps head.

Women in the morning are unavailable, needing more sleep

Women in the morning are less available than men, because they need more sleep, is shown in a survey, which follows the British newspaper "The Telegraph".

Scientists have studied the quality of sleep to 210 people and found that after the same time spent in sleep, in the morning women behave more tense and hostile than men.
Scientists from Duke University in North Carolina said that the difference in hormones is why the need for more sleep in women.
According to experts, more women suffer mentally and physically if you do not sleep well, since they need more sleep to maintain hormonal balance.
Research leader, Edward Suarez, says that research suggests that sleep is bad, which is measured by the total number of hours of sleep, the time spent awake during the night and most importantly, the time required for people to fall asleep, has serious consequences for the health of women than of men.
We have proven that sleep is bad for women is associated with higher levels of psychological stress and strong feeling of hostility, depression and anger, transmit Despite this, such feelings are due to the same degree of sleep disruption in men.
Research has shown that the opportunity for women to develop heart disease, depression and psychological problems due to bad sleep is larger than males.

Crackling fingers. Good or bad?

Finally gets answers the question of whether it is evil crackling prints or not.

When we were young not tell us crackling toes because it may cause us to arthritis and air bubbles were there for a specific reason. But it remains a common habit, especially for teens who can not postpone classes. But it actually creates a problem, or just bothering people around us?
Now you can know what happens when crackling fingers thanks to a man who decided just beeping fingers of one hand for 60 years. The result?Hands did not have any difference from one another.
Donald L. Unger, physician and researcher from California, has just snap your fingers on his left hand and after six decades of this informal experiment, he found no change in his joints. Most medical sources have supported this conclusion, according to Vox video above, although it shows that there is a study from 1990 that says crunch could lead to a weakening of the strength of the hand.
But how is born this 'legend'? BBC, writes Annabel, submits that this is probably due to the fact that arthritic joints tend to be cracked because of damaged cartilage in the joints surface.
So there are results for both hypotheses.  

Today, the World Day of sleep

A good sleep helps for a better life and prevent diseases.

In its eighth edition, the event, organized by the World Association of Sleep Medicine (Wasma) on 15 March, this time the theme "When sleep is good health and happiness abound".
It says that each individual spends up to a third of his life sleeping.
For this reason the effects of sleep on health should not be underestimated: the lack of a regular sleep has negative effects on health in the short term and long and is related to obesity, diabetes, weakening the immune system and to some forms of cancer.
His weight not only keeps the body. Problems with sleeping, in fact, may lead to psychological disorders sphere as anxiety and depression.
Starting from this basis World Sleep Day, aims to draw attention to renewable power and healthy sleep and rest, regarded as "the best medicine of nature".
A good sleep helps for a better life and prevent diseases. It is this conclusion given by experts in the world of sleep day, 16 March, the World Association of Sleep Medicine.
World Association of Sleep Medicine provides some tips for better sleep: 
▪ Establish a fixed schedule for sleeping and awakening 
▪ Do not go overboard with breaks during the day 
▪ Do not consume alcohol or smoke four hours before going to sleep 
▪ Avoid eating foods heavy at dinner, too salty or sugary 
▪ Do not drink coffee, 6 hours before going to sleep 
▪ Do not exercise immediately before you lie down to sleep 
▪ Keep wearing pajamas appropriate 
good ▪ Air your room 
carefully ▪ Avoid noise and light 
▪ Do not work in bed 
▪ A very good ally to sleep pillow is that there should be neither too backbone.