The month of March is National Colorectal Cancer, so let's learn more about this second leading cause of cancer deaths.
Dr. Sc. Lida Shosha
General surgeons - Proktologe
American Hospital Tirana
+355 42 357 535/038 221 661
One of the most serious problems facing the digestive system in the human body, is cancer of the colon. A problem worldwide, incidence of this disease is more than 1 million young people affected each year, and regarding the annual mortality from the disease, it is estimated at more than 500 thousand cases. Colorectal cancer ranks second on the list of tumors, in terms of mortality in both sexes, but with a higher incidence in males. The risk of colon cancer varies from one country to another within the same country, and from individual to individual, heirs factors, genetics, lifestyle, diet, smoking etc. Illness is the third most diagnosed among tumor diseases and ranks second on deaths from cancer in men and women, and anal cancer accounts for about 4% of cases diagnosed with colon cancer.

What is colon cancer?
Cancer is the formation of atypical tumor cells that grow in the wall of the colon and being developed, gradually affecting all its wall and spread locally and remotely to other organs of the body. About 95% of cases, adenocarcinoma and lymphoma rest and squamous cell carcinoma.
Disease risk factors
• Age over 50 years, male sex, excessive consumption of fats, red meat, alcohol, obesity, smoking, etc.
• Some situations hereditary polyposis as family adeno¬matoze (FAP) that occupies about 1% of cases of colorectal cancer or Lynch syndrome (HNPCC), which accounts for about 3% of colorectal cancer cases.
• Personal ■ History of colon polyp or cancer of the ovary, breast or endometrium.
• Family history for colon cancer. These people are 2-3 times more likely to develop cancer than those without family history.
• inflammatory diseases of the colon.
Symptoms of cancer depend on the location of the tumor and the extent of its spread.
Classic signs of colon tumor are:
• Bleeding from the rectum
• Changes in the way of defecation
• abdominal pain and swelling
• Reduced appetite is reflected in patient weight loss, nausea or vomiting.
• Fatigue expressed bodily
• anal pain
• rectal cancer reduces the quality of life of patients.
Diagnosis of colorectal cancer
• Colonoscopy & biopsy formation found in the colon.
• Advanced Imaging as scanner (CT), PET, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) torako abdomino-pelvic to see the extent of the disease and to divide the its stages.
• Complete with biochemical balance and Markus tumor CEA, C 19-9 gives the surgeon a real picture of the patient's condition.
Treatment of colorectal cancer
are three pillars of the treatment protocol based colorectal cancer: surgical treatment + chemotherapy + radiotherapy.
Surgery: To apply localized tumors surgical operation, which makes complete surgical resection of the tumor clean boundaries to achieve recovery of the patient. This is accomplished with laparatomi or laparaskopi. If there is localized in the liver metastasis in the lungs or they may be removed. Chemotherapy may be used before surgery, especially in cancer of the rectum, but applied and after heart surgery as auxiliary therapy. If the tumor is widely metastasis, then therapy is palliative.Radiotherapy combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy mainly applied to the rectum cancer. Like chemotherapy, radiotherapy is used as therapy preoperatore at certain stages of rectal cancer. Because of sensitivity to radiation intestines that its use is not routine in the treatment of colon cancer.
Preventive measures- Some of colon cancer can be prevented if the increased supervision and lifestyle habits.
- Recommendations for change in the feeding consist in the consumption of cereals, vegetables, fruits and reducing red meat. Physical activity affects relatively less.
- Taking aspirin and Onsenal (medication that falls in the group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and reduces the incidence of colorectal polyps). Taking vitamin D is associated with reduced incidence of colorectal cancer.

Control with colon examinations
∙ more than 80% of colon cancer comes from polyps adenomatoze, which are identified by colonoscopy and if they are caught 2-3 years before they become symptomatic cancer, cancer deaths down to 60%.
∙ Colonoscopy, flexible sigmoidoskopia, stool occult blood help in early diagnosis of polyps.
∙ By age 50-75 years recommended be done every two years stool occult blood, sigmoidoskopi every 5 years, colonoscopy every 10 years. In cases with high risk, screening should begin after age 40 years. After the age of 75 checks are recommended depending on problematic situations that may arise.