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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Coconut oil for health and beauty

Coconut oil or butter, otherwise called is a product with many uses for beauty. He is a perfect natural moisturizing, but not only.

Below you will find a list of some of the main uses of coconut oil:
Night makeup. Even anti-water mascara would not resist dot coconut oil because it has higher cleaning properties of cosmetics from the skin. Apply through cosmetic cotton cleaners instead of milk.
The makeup brush cleaner. For a better scrub brush or sponge using a mixture cosmetics where to add equal amounts of liquid soap and coconut oil.
Cleans mouth. A gargle with one teaspoon of coconut oil will remove all bacteria and germs from your mouth, because the antibacterial properties that coconut oil.body lotion. Coconut oil is a perfectly relaxing and you can use as lotion for your body every day.
Curricula, oil. Even mitigation curricula, around the nails of the hand or foot can use coconut oil.
Lip Balm. Coconut oil serves as an ideal lip balm. Put a little coconut oil in a small bowl and you may have all the time with him.
Cream skin cracks. Coconut oil has a very positive effect against skin cracks. Women during or after pregnancy can be used repeatedly but also women with cases of fractures in the area of the belly, chest or abdomen.
Cream. Coconut oil does very well for thin skin around the eyes. Avoid air sacs and prevents wrinkles eye mimicry.
Skrab body. Coconut oil is used as a main ingredient in the preparation of natural skrabeve body. Mix coconut oil with salt or sugar finely and use as skrab body or legs.
Massage oil. Coconut oil if mixed with a few drops of an essential oil, the other, for example, lavender oil, ideally serves as massage oil.
Cream for waxing. Coconut oil can also be used to depiluar with razor after softens your skin like waxing creams or lotions to.
Whitening toothpaste. If you want white teeth mix in a small jar of coconut oil with baking soda. Your teeth will look whiter than ever.
Eases itching. If you have a skin problem and have constant itching, apply coconut oil to calm the skin.
Cream. Coconut oil can ideally serve as a very good night cream. Its antioxidant properties will give the skin briskly to fight wrinkles.
Cream for curly hair . Put a little coconut oil on hands and coat the ends of your hair to fix locks and give shiny hair.
Hair Balm. If you want extra moisture to the hair, apply coconut oil to damp hair and do not rinse it.
Hair mask. Put hot coconut oil to the hair before you wash your hair and let it operate for about an hour, then wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner normally. You will see amazing effects.
Anti-dandruff treatment. dandruff usually caused by dry scalp of the head. Therefore applying coconut oil to the hair roots and its relaxing effect will remove dandruff.

What is Match dust and how we should use it

Match is kind of green tea, the leaves of which wither and turn to dust, which is one of the most popular natural preparations to increase physical stamina and energy.

And prepare within traditional Japanese tea ceremonies, while more than 800 years of use Zen monks during meditation.
The plant grows in shady places during before summer, while bush covered before the meeting to prevent direct exposure to sunlight. In this way slows the growth of leaves and they get dark shade of yellows. Workers gather the leaves by hand and left in the sun to dry. While slowly crushed dried leaves and plant in the state of tench call. Since deprive tirades and roots, Tench turned to dust, which is called the Match.
This powder is able to increase the level of energy during the day and Shun fewer calories. Excellently cleans the body and is good addition in the diet because simultaneously cleans the metabolism and burn fat. Research has shown that the Match can help you burn calories four times faster.
No side effects, does not harm the body, does not increase blood pressure.
With this powder can remove toxins, heavy metals and impurities from the body, transmits After that grows in the shade, Match is rich in chlorophyll than any other green tea and therefore is superior in cleaning the body.
You can buy in health food stores and can be used for cleaning the body, the weakening, or even food coloring.
We bring you the recipe for ice cream Match - you need: 1.5 cups milk, 1/5 cup liquid cream, 2 to 3 tablespoons Match powder, 1 tablespoon hot water and 1 teaspoon vanilla.
In bowl mix the milk and sugar with electric mixer and stir until the sugar dissolved. Match dust mix and 1 tablespoon hot water, and the mixture Add the sugar and milk. Add the liquid creams and vanilla, and mix all well.Leave ice cream in the freezer overnight.

Two things you should teach children about money

As sooner is better.

Should the courses if you buy something
Many parents forget to explain to children what to do with the money that was given and they take for granted that they can spend immediately.
Since the age of 3 years give their children money daily. Set up savings transparent caches (visual aspect is important for children) where the share of spending money faster and will save.
When you're done shopping, ask them what they want and for small things like sweets, Tell that they could buy with the money they have for quick expense. For most expensive things, like bicycles, explain the need to save a little every day to buy themselves what they want.
People earn money at work
Children need to understand that money does not fall from the trees, writes Annabel. You will understand that the child must begin to recognize the work in time starts to complain that wants more money and this happens around age 3 years.
Talk to your profession and asked what would make when he grows up. If for example the child says it will be vet, assign small tasks such as feeding, washing or domestic animal walk, and give a small amount of money, in addition to those receiving daily, to show that work is rewarded.

Five secret enemies who do not let you lose weight

Sometimes it seems like and why try to be careful with food, can not lose weight. You may have to right. Meet five opponents secret that not lean left.

Lack of vitamins
Women who meet the diet with extra vitamins are less hungry than those who do not do this, according to research Laval University in Canada.
Solution: Ask a test if you lack any kind of vitamin and straight to the pharmacy, or search rich foods that kind of vitamin. They may be the B vitamins that help in burning fat and reducing stress level if he has flown without control.
Water tap
tap water is very rich in fluoride that can be good for teeth, but not to your silhouette. According to Mary J Shomo, author of "The Thyroid Diet: Managing Your Metabolism For Lasting Weight Loss", "Fluoride prevents the body to absorb iodine who have thyroid health. If the thyroid is weak, the metabolism will be, and you will add weight. "
Solution: Try to use some weeks Bottled mineral water and see if this will affect your weight.
Measure ration
During the past 30 years, the average size of a plate increased from 23cm to 33cm, which has happened and rations. "Many of us have forgotten how are normal rations" says dietician Scottish Fiona Kirk.
Solution: Fiona recommends to use portions of foods with carbohydrate or protein was not greater than the coup and to fill the rest of the plate with fruits and vegetables. Be sure to use smaller plates not remain in place.
Intestinal bacteria
are talking about bacteria that live in the digestive system. Researcher Peter Turnbaugh the Washington University School of Medicine has observed two types of bacteria found in the gut: bakteroidetes and firmikutes. He discovered that obese people have a greater amount firmikutesh and that when they started the diet, the amount of them sat and grew it the first group, in line with the loss of the fatty layers.
Solution: While it's not yet found anything that can increase levels of bakteroideteve, increasing levels of bacteria in general will increase the number of those breaks carbohydrates. The best way is to get more probiotic foods that supply healthy bacteria levels that include leeks, garlic and bananas and avoid antibiotics that can kill them. You can also take a daily probiotic drinks like Danone Actimel liquid scythe Original, containing ingredients that enhance immunity.
Your brain
researcher at Utrecht University in the Netherlands have proven that people who think positively when starting a diet are more likely to lose weight compared with doubters, class magazine writes. Alyssa coach Abey means that if your brain knows that he is doing something that will make you feel bad, stop it. So you will feel every piece of cake to outpace pastry shelf.
Solution: Focus the reasons why you will lose weight and tell yourself that you're doing. Should stop to see both Pastry and adjacent gym. Also does well to select objectives in a paper weight. "I advise everyone to keep a paper and check before doing something that puts to the test the promise," says personal trainer personal and Jennifer Garner, Valerie Waters.

Five alternative sources of vitamin D

Milk and sun are excellent sources of vitamin D, but the problem arises when a person is allergic to lactose or may not be exposed to sunlight.

In this case need alternative sources of vitamin D, which can be found in certain foods. Lack of vitamin D is common today, while we know that it leads to the appearance of rickets.
Fish. - Fresh Fish and canned contains a certain amount of vitamin D, especially if it comes to salmon, sardines and tuna. More than 50 percent of the amount needed daily can consume if you eat a sandwich with tuna or salmon weighing 85 grams.
The fungus. - Mushrooms absorb vitamin D when exposed to sunlight and are very useful in the diet.
Juice. - Many companies sell juice in tetra packaging, which is enriched with vitamin D. This vitamin is present in fresh fruit.
Eggs. egg also contain vitamin D, but in their consumption should pay attention to blood pressure and cholesterol.
Organic meat. - organic meat as beef liver contains a certain amount of vitamin D, transmits Many people do not prefer organic meat, but for those who love him, he can substitute milk. With organic meat consumption, take vitamin D and protein.