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Friday, February 13, 2015

Five tips to get closer to children

If you are looking for new ways to involve children in every part of your day, then follow some tips.

All parents want their children to have safe and healthy. But it is difficult to achieve, because the day of voice work, society and all other obligations.So their dedication and attention to is not always what you want. Because it is difficult to choose a balance between work, family and other activities of the day. However, setting a healthy example is a good start.

Always keep the family in activity
when it comes to heart health, it is important to think not only for your health but also for the future generations. A study last year found that children and teenagers need as much as you to perform physical activities.Let's let alone healthy children, who have blocked their arteries as much as an adult 45, so it can be found in serious health conditions much earlier than their parents.
Outdoor activities Plan
Set one day a week when with children active and do something different from the daily: swimming in summer, mountain or ski trip in the winter or spring picnic in the fall. Arrange together an outdoor lunch and choose some healthy snacks after a good exercise. After that day, everything will be more energetic in the family.
Do aerobics together
Ask around the house in gym clubs and other community centers in your area, about yoga-t or gymnastics, classes formed together with parents and children. If your child is too young to participate, look for classes that can help you burn calories with your child, including those in your yoga movements. Or take the dog away.
Move family room
Very often, family room is the center of idleness at home, usually Salon: a comfortable bed, video games, a shelf full of DVDs and nothing to encourage less physical activity or even a gym corner. However, there are several ways to add caring for the child, not fix all the furniture giant saloon pulling exercise equipment. Set a time limit for watching television and include some exercises necessary to keep the whole family moving.
Make together housework
Instead remove family members when you're doing housework, it is better to share things with everyone, writes class magazine. Turn chores into a game where everyone involved together. Make the race to see how fast you can clean the house and then try to build a schedule for next week. During this time, try and have fun with music, and decide washing machine, get the children to sing and dancing with them. Take the dog for a walk and do a roller skating or jumping rope.
Make shopping together
This is very important and noteworthy: Families who eat healthy food tend to have healthy habits, such as regular physical activity. If you want fewer obligations after the birth of a child, ie simply to feed healthy, have to include the whole family. There are likely to succeed. Set your own children in shopping, let them make their own fruits and vegetables they like and be involved in food preparation. They? Have more likely to enjoy their meals.And, also to clean their plates.

IVF - assisted reproduction methods

The first child "in the tube" was Louise Brown. She was born in the UK on 25 July 1978. Its birth was given hope couples who lacked children worldwide. Since then, thousands of couples are treated with in vitro fertilization (IVF) and other techniques to assist conception. The success of these treatments is steadily growing

Today, treatment is done according to the situation and needs of the patient. These procedures are combined with drugs in order to increase the percentage of success. On average, one out of five couples succeed and will have children after applying reproduction techniques help.
These procedures are invasive and expensive. While in most cases there is no harmful effects, some techniques associated with increased risk of birth defects, compared with some other methods. For this reason it is often necessary for you to have your gynecologist.
The biggest problem associated with assisted conception procedures is multiple pregnancy (with more than a fruit). Even though you feel as a wonderful event to have a pregnancy with twins or triplets, are some risks associated with multiple pregnancies.
Most doctors use of assisted reproductive procedures of the store as "weapons" last to help women to become pregnant.
Briefly, these are the methods of assisted conception:
• Intrauterine Insemination (Intrauterine insemination - IUI), is a medication when sperm directly inserted into the womb of the woman, when she has ovulation.
• In vitro fertilization (IVF): in this medication, taken egg cells from the ovaries and sperm join husband, always in vitro. Embryos created in this way are then transplanted into your uterus.
• The transfer of gametes into the uterine tubes (Gamete Intrafallopian transfer - GIFT): obtained egg cells and sperm are mixed in the laboratory with your husband. Then they are transferred into the uterine tubes. Fertilization (joining of the egg with the sperm) occurs in your uterus and the embryo is implanted in a natural way.
• injection of sperm into the egg cytoplasm (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection - ICSI): The only one sperm is injected directly into the laboratory conditions an egg cell. Who created the embryo implant in your uterus.
• donated sperm used in cases where the husband has a small number of sperm or when there is no. In this case the donor sperm (donor) is used for intrauterine insemination (IUI).
• The cells donated eggs or embryos used if a woman can not become pregnant because of defects in the ovary. The egg cell from the donor (donor) mixed with the sperm of the husband and the embryo is implanted in the uterus. The same procedure also be donated embryo.

Smoking makes stupid

A key part of the brain that is necessary for thinking is lower among smokers, says a new research

The latest research shows that smoking except influence on the heart and lungs have an impact on brain dysfunction.
Researchers from the University of Edinburgh after seeing the results of some scans of smokers found that they have thin outer layer of the brain.
Those who quit smoking immediately after launch were thinner layer than those who have smoked for a long time. This gave researchers hope that quitting smoking can restore the "defrost" the brain, but they say that this can only confirm if they do some other tests.
Persons who participated in this research were all born in 1936, transmits
Head of Research, Ian Deary, says that future research will show more clearly the recent discovery.
"From recent data have found a link between smoking and brain weakening in parts", he commented.

Chamomile against cancer

A cup of chamomile can help in the fight against cancer, say researchers. Tea contains a chemical apigenin, which significantly reduces the cancer cells.

Scientists at Ohio University have discovered that apigenini can halt the ability of breast cancer cells to live longer than normal cells, to stop their spread and make them sensitive to therapy.
From chamomile tea, parsley and celery are the largest source of apigeninit, but he can also be found in fruits and vegetables common in the Mediterranean diet. Chemical that acts as the action anti-inflammatory that suggests other nutrient have similar effect in preventing cancer.
It helps to regulate protein irregularities in RNA molecules that carry genetic information, and are responsible for 80 percent of cancer cases.

Help children to adopt healthy nutritional habits

Various fast foods, sweets and delicacies of saline - are available fresh risks for children and young people across Europe, and their excessive consumption means not recommended, due to the many negative impacts on the body.

In order to create strategies that will help children and young people to resist the desire for excessive consumption of sweet foods and salty and reduce the consumption of so-called empty calories, European research project started TEMPEST, which gathers researchers from nine European countries, while the research team also belongs Liliya Nureeva, a student of doctoral studies at the University of Aarhus.
"Children and teens need to know more about health and tactics available that can be set independently for their food regime and the formation of nutritional habits," explains Liliya Nureeva.
What are the tactics that help to resist temptation?
TEMPEST project included data from nine European countries, while the basic idea is the active involvement of different strategies in the daily lives of children and young people that they take an active role in health their overall style of living.
"Some children find it easier to control the nutritional habits if you simply eliminate the unhealthy foods, while others prefer distraction to forget their desire for sweet. Some, however, form its own rules according to which, for example, every day to eat fresh fruit or sweet dare to eat only during weekends. Children should be taught strategies and methods that control the urge for unhealthy food consumption, "said Liliya Nureeva.
What strategies are suitable for children?
Changing nutritional habits is vital and complex process, especially when it comes to children and young people, who are more prone to temptation and seduction than adults. The first step is to develop awareness of what is attractive to children and young people, when it comes to food, and how this affects the food, transmits After that it is necessary to find tactics that can help avoid or remove mania (for example to leave the source of temptation or to limit the amount of unhealthy food consumption on a weekly or monthly basis). The next step is to set measurable goals or rules for achieving those goals, but also the time in which it is necessary to test achievements.
Liliya Nureeva recalls how parents, teachers and other persons who are close and daily contact with children and young people should serve as an example and to show children the various advantages of changing living habits and lifestyle.
Soon expected publication of the manual for TEMPEST project, which will help parents and others to recognize children and young people with useful tactics in changing lifestyles.

Scientists will beat cancer

Scientists from around the world want to share in the sequences of thousands of cancer genomes, and thereby alter DNA and to gain a complete picture of the abnormalities that lead to the appearance of carcinoma.

Scientists from all parts of the world have joined forces to investigate key genetic mutations that participate in the presentation of carcinoma, and the result is the opening of the International Consortium Cancer Genome (ICGC) in which will be studied over 50 types of carcinomas.
By developing new technologies and faster for research of nucleotides of DNA, ICGC members will try to share some thousands of genomes sequences carcinogenic to be able to notice any changes in the DNA molecule and create a clear understanding of disorders that affect the appearance of carcinoma.
Within this consortium participating American scientists from the Institute of Health, then scientists from Australia, Canada, China, France, India, Japan and Singapore.

Ten answers for prostate!

The prostate is an organ found in males from childhood to exit the bladder, and surrounds the urine channel with an average size as a nut (about 18 grams). The main function is the production of a large part of the fluid that carries sperm.

Dr. Xhafë Verse 
Surgeon Urologist
 American Hospital 038 221 661/045 500 910

What are the main diseases of the prostate?
prostate ailments can generally be divided into three groups:
▪ infections of the prostate (prostate)
▪ Increase (hyperplasia) benign prostate (HBP)
▪ Prostate Cancer
Prostate infections as it may seem at any age usually referred to as diseases of the young. Magnification benign prostate and prostate cancer are diseases that appear after the age of 45-50 years.

What is prostatitis?
Called in Latin prostate infection. You can look at every age. Symptoms are burning, pain in the lower abdomen or down the testicles, penis or leakage of itching sensation in the penis. Therapy is usually carried out with antibiotics and patient symptoms pass.

What is benign prostate enlargement?
With increasing age the prostate begins to increase as the body due to several different reasons, and can cause pressure on the bladder or urinary canal narrowing creating this channel is called the urethra. This condition is called magnification (hyperplasia) benign prostate.

Seven things that make babies in the womb

Among the many questions that couples of wife do while they are pregnant, it is "what is making the baby in the womb?"

Researchers have uncovered at least seven things that make the unborn during the nine months:
1. Develop a sense of taste. Mother consumes foods that end up in the amniotic fluid, which the fetus begins to taste starting from week 20. In this way the child enjoys everything that consumes mother and thus develops his sense of taste. For example, one study shows that mothers who eat lots of carrots during pregnancy give birth to children who like many carrots.
2. React to stress. Nervousness and stress directly reflected mother to fetus, especially in the movements he makes. Studies show that if the mother is anxious child touches his face with his left hand.
3. Make different mimicry. If you notice scans performed in 4D, from week 24 of pregnancy children can look as smiling or frowning face make.
4. weep. Children cry "silent" in the womb. Doctors have managed to hear through the noise ultrasound registrars like crying babies or hiccup.
5. Recognize poems or tales. According to a study conducted at the University of Florida, if mothers twice a day read poems or tales, during the third trimester of pregnancy, the child's heartbeat become more peaceful.Fetus relax, which means that he knows the songs and stories that reads mother.
6. Recognize the songs, followed Researchers have confirmed that the song that the child has heard often during the third trimester of pregnancy will remain his favorite after come to life.
7. Coordinate hand to mouth. During the last quarter the baby is put your finger in the mouth, perfectly coordinating hand movements with his mouth.

DIABETES - Everything you need to know

Diabetes is a serious health condition, which is not treated, can lead to heart disease, blindness, kidney failure and other complications that threaten life.

Interview: Silvana BALLIU
Recent years diabetes has become one of the most feared diseases with high tendency to touch the young. Not feeding properly, hormone foods, sedentary life, and a host of other reasons, have caused the number of diabetics in Albania and Kosovo to reach high levels, although we have no accurate reports from the relevant state institutions. In an exclusive interview with the newspaper health completely character, "Super Health", talks about the latest news about diabetes, Ass. dr. Merita Amin Sadiq, MSc, PhD internist-endocrinologist-diabetologe.

We all talk about the disease of diabetes, but is actually a diabetes, or is a malfunction of the body?
Diabetes mellitus (diabetes mellitus) is a metabolic disorder that is characterized by increased levels of blood sugar and accompanied with carbohydrate metabolism disorders (sugars), fats and proteins. This disorder or rather, the disease is due to the failure of insulin secretion, its action, both together or complete lack of insulin secretion, which is a hormone that is rightly considered the key to the introduction of glucose into the cell. Therefore, when taking into account all the features of this disorder, we can say that diabetics body does not function normally, exactly all that I said above, about the action of insulin, the hormone that is normally secreted by the pancreas.

Is it true that untreated diabetes in time, can cause severe damage to the eyes and heart patients?
Certainly yes, but not only, because this disease also affects other organs, except for the eyes and heart. So the young girls affected small and large vessels, nerves are affected, then affected other organs too important for our body, such as the kidney and the brain. All these injuries in organs and organ systems come as a result of increased blood sugar, from improper control of this disease, which 50% is dependent on self-care, which should make for diabetic patients in making healthy food , regular physical activity, personal therapy, and if necessary taking regular insulin.
Persons affected by this disease have any hope of escape, or are forced to admit that now must coexist rest of life, keeping diabetes under control?
While they are diagnosed with the disease of diabetes, as soon be convinced that they need to adjust to the changing demands of lifestyle, the better. When are this lifestyle change, think about making healthy food, regular physical activity every day or at least 2-3 times a week (here I refer to different physical activities, or at least walk 2-3 times a week, at least 20 minutes), regular control of glycemia, and continued receiving diabetes therapy. Meanwhile, people who are not sick from diabetes, but are at greater risk to develop the disease, I'm talking about overweight and obese people, those with a family history of diabetes should also be careful, changing the style their life and to take healthy eating and regular physical activity practice, in order to not get the disease, or at least prolong the time of its inception.
There are some studies that are still at the hypothesis, that say it is discovered a method that will enable full recovery of the disease, with surgery, like any other disease?
Healing the operation, the so-called bariatrike surgery, already is a reality in developed countries, as well as in the region. This operator intervention and obese patients with type 2 diabetes, makes permanent healing of disease in 95% of such patients. With this intervention operator, means some types of operations, which aim to reduce the stomach first, then link or bypass of the small stomach small intestine, making this event possible need for less food and reducing absorbing surface. But, not all obese patients with type 2 diabetes can undergo this operation. Of course there are criteria to undergo the operation and, above all, the biggest success is the patients who were recently diagnosed with the disease. This intervention is allowed by the IDF (International Diabetes Federation) in 2011, as one of the treatment options diabetes type 2. Now, regarding the hypotheses that you mention, they already are practical theory, while explaining how this method makes cured diabetes, there have been discussions at hipotezazh, having thought that healing can come from weight reduction. However, this was rejected by recent studies, which are based on metabolic effects that occur in the body since the first days after the operation, yet without losing weight so good, after this operation the blood sugar level is normalized , namely the need for drugs is zero.Therefore, this type of operation today called metabolic surgery.
A person who for a short period at the rate of hypoglycaemia has a set, but then fails to maintain the correct rate of blood glucose, called diabetic, or person with an indication for being with diabetes?
There is a group of individuals who have tolerance impaired fasting glucose, which means morning glikeminë have> 5.6 mmol / L (or 100 mg / dL), but <7mmol / L (or 126 mg / dL), or another group, who have glikeminë after two hours of load test called OGTT glucose over 7.8 mmol / L (or 140 mg / dL) and less than 11.1 mmol / L (or 200 mg / dL). These two groups of people are known by the term paradiabetik therefore are at risk to develop the disease and if they make a healthy, so those discussed above, this risk is reduced, or at least extended the time of the occurrence of diabetes. Of course, with these interventions, ie healthy nutrition and regular physical activity, can normalize the border glikemive levels.
When a person has just realized that is affected by diabetes, the medication should be taken once, as paradiabetik, being treated with a strong food regimen, or should immediately start medication?
If a person is diagnosed as diabetic, as a form The first treatment is immediate change of lifestyle, so meticulous care in making and choosing healthy food and physical activity. Then, if this form of treatment does not start treatment with drugs, if diabetes type 2. If type 1 diabetes should be initiated immediately with insulin. The difference between these types lies in the action of insulin resistance or reduce its secretion, which is characteristic of type 2, as well as the complete lack of insulin secretion that is type 1.
Yes medicines for diabetics, what side effects have?
Like any bar or other medications, even those which apply to the treatment of type 2 diabetes have some side effects, which are often unnoticed by patients and rarely can force patients to 'interrupt them. The most common side effects are hypoglycaemia or decrease blood sugar, as well as gastrointestinal problems such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
What is the worst form of a person with diabetes?
The most severe form of a person with diabetes are ketoatotike state or coma and coma hiperosmolare. Both are known as diabetic coma, which is characterized by extremely high hypoglycaemia, dehydration condition and often loss of consciousness and is not urgent intervention enter, can be life threatening. Also Komat hypoglycemic characterized by extremely low hypoglycaemia and loss of consciousness are being equally threatening.Therefore, education of patients with diabetes is very important, precisely to avoid these situations, which are the consequence of irregular treatment.
Is it true that a sick with diabetes have lower immunity? And is it true that one affected by this disease are likely to live less than another without touching?
Yes it is true, diabetics immune system is damaged and as a result, diabetics often tend to able pass gripoze or bacterial infections and Mould.This has several explanations, but most often happens that these microorganisms become more virulent or infectious in an environment with high hypoglycaemia. A diabetic who takes care of his illness in a continuous manner in all aspects except treatment with drugs, he has the same lifespan as a person who has diabetes, but it does not happen often, especially in our population. While, if not well cared about the disease and are constantly had irregular hypoglycaemia, surely it affects life expectancy of these patients. And this is a result of complications, which occur especially cardiac and kidney, which directly affect the life expectancy of diabetics.
What is the biggest enemy of this disease, sugar or fats? Is it true that red meat makes it worse, than anything else?
Diabetics simultaneously maintaining control of glycemia, should have to rate the level of fats in the blood, because diabetes is a metabolic disease.Therefore it is recommended to be careful in the consumption of foods that are plant-based fats, or those rich in essential fats that are present in fish oil, olive oil, sun flower and corn. While, in terms of meat and its products, diabetics should consume no more than twice during the week red meat during lunch, while other days chicken and preferably once a week, fish.Proteins are needed every day to be consumed, but not necessarily those of animals. I constantly recommend my patients to consume plant proteins, which can be found in peas, soya, beans, broccoli and other vegetables.Except red meat protein is fairly large amount of animal fats and are not recommended to wear often. Also patients who have renal function impairment should receive limited amounts of animal protein, because otherwise further exacerbate this feature.

Which is the worst month for sleep

Drowsiness, lack of will and fatigue are symptoms that about one third of men felt in February, while getting to bed earlier will not prevent, the study showed the British Center for sleep, Sleep, to 21,000 people .

Second month of the year is officially the worst month for sleep and we need eight more minutes to sleep and even ten minutes longer are awake during the day than during the other months a year, writes the Daily Mail, reports . For this reason 68 percent of people in February has less energy and 28 percent are depressed, while women are particularly affected by lack of sleep.
Scientists claim that the bad quality of sleep culprit is a combination of factors, first of days long, dark and cold, lack of fresh air in homes heated and lack of movement.
"These results show that most people have more problems with sleep in the winter than in the spring and summer months, while fatigue and drowsiness are normal phenomenon", - said study leader Professor Colin Espie.
He adds that as the situation will improve soon and the length of day since March, most people will sleep better