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Friday, April 17, 2015

Salepi, nice drinks, but also healthy

Relish nothing more than a cold evening a drink SALEP.

Did you know that Salepi contains a polysaccharide called glucommanan rich in fiber, which is also known as the most effective supplement in losing weight.
So salepi can help us in losing weight, but should be careful with sugar content.
Salepi is a drink nice and warm which is prepared from flour of beautiful orchid flowers and is a traditional drink in Turkey, but also used in some European countries.
It is believed that eating Salepit offers us very good health, prevents cooling, soften the symptoms of bronchitis, cough improves, prevents constipation, hemorrhoids, regulate menstrual cycle, improves daily energy, fights intestinal parasites, and much more.
Well combined with cinnamon becoming a pleasant drink.

Why vegetarians should not eat figs

Good idea not to serve as figs vegetarians, or at least people who prefer not to eat insects.

This is because when a pollen a fig wasp, it often remains inside.
FIG used in food is always at least one female wasp dead inside.
However, do not try to find Grenzen within fiqh because when it dies, a fruit enzyme breaks her body and turns it into protein.
Put differently, eat fig Grenzen and makes it part of yourself.
Farmers buy bags wasps to control the amount of wasps that each plant can eat.
Another of the towering, who could possibly stop believing you food, is that to qualify a food safe for consumption, ketchup should contain no more than 30 to 100 grams of fruit flies.
So if you eat figs and ketchup, is likely to have eaten the wasp of the fruit flies. 

Why can not 'know' yourself a few days before menstruation

Premenstrual syndrome includes a variety of symptoms such as mood disorder, stretching the breasts, the need to eat more than usual, lethargy, increased anxiety and depression.

Ass. dr. Memli Morina, mr. sci
-gynecologist - obstetrician
wire. 045725725
It is believed that only one of the four women did not experience at least one of the above complaints.
These symptoms can be predicted perceives and wife, but the physical and emotional changes of PMS can be the easiest of up very pronounced.
It is estimated that at least 85% of women have at least one symptom of PMS during the menstrual cycle. In most of these women, the symptoms are easy and affordable, and therefore do not require any treatment, but others (3-8%) are much more pronounced signs of PMS also called PMDD (premenstrual disforik disorder).
PMS occurs more often in women:
• 25 to 45
• Which have at least one child
in a family history • Have relatives with depression
• Have had earlier in life humorist disorder or bleeding after childbirth
Do not allow these problems to dictating your life! There are medications and changes to the way of life which help you to manage the signs and symptoms of PMS.
It is natural for a woman who suffers from premenstrual syndrome do these questions:
• What can I do to lessen or take away the signs of PMS?
• Are there signs of PMS likely to disappear spontaneously?
• These complaints I have not perhaps been warning for some more serious health condition?
• A recommended to receive treatment for PMS? What medicines can I take?
Signs and symptoms
List of signs and symptoms of PMS is long, but most women are just some of them:
• Emotional Changes
• Anxiety and worry
• Depression
• Boredom add that accompanied weeping
• mood changes, Irritability or restlessness
• Changes in appetite and need to eat constantly something
• Problems with sleeping
• Lack of access to socialize with people
• Focus sitting
Physical Changes
• Sore joints and muscles
• Headaches
• Fatigue
• weight gain associated with the collection of fluid in the body
• abdominal distension
• Strain the breasts
• Presentation of acne (acne)
• Constipation or diarrhea
In some women the physical and emotional concern that causes PMS is so great that affects daily activities. No matter how many can be expressed these concerns, they disappear within the first 3-4 days after the onset of menstruation.
Some women have expressed concerns so that occur regularly every month and this form of PMS called premenstrual disforike disorder (PMDD premenstrual dysphoric disorder).
If these complaints affect the smooth running of daily activities and if you can not manage then seek the help of a doctor.
exactly what causes premenstrual syndrome is not known, but it is known that several factors contribute to the emergence of PMS:
• cyclic hormonal changes - It is known that the signs and symptoms of PMS disappear during pregnancy and menopause (ie in periods when a woman does not no hormone production cycle)
• chemical changes in the brain - Availability depends on a hormone which is called serotonin. If no serotonin produced in sufficient quantity then favored the emergence of premenstrual depression, apathy, need to eat more and sleep problems.
• Depression - Some women with PMS have undiagnosed depression, although depression does not cause PMS.
During the medical examination, the doctor will ask certain questions (this is called history) as for example: how are pronounced symptoms, what days of the menstrual cycle these complaints are more pronounced, is there any day during the menstrual cycle when you do not have all complaints, whether anticipated the that these complaints will appear the following day, is there something that these characters makes bold or facilitates them when you have these signs are you so badly that I could not go to school / college / work and to perform daily activities, did you feel hopeless and depressed, or is someone in your family is diagnosed with a psychiatric problem, did you use any medication for this problem.
The doctor may also do some tests and may require you to mark on the calendar the days when you have these complaints and when they disappear, in relation to the menstrual cycle; this "diary" should keep for at least two consecutive menstrual cycles.
Symptoms and signs of PMS can be reduced if the change lifestyle:
• Eat more frequently and in smaller quantities to reduce the feeling of fryrit.
• Do not use salt and salty foods in order to reduce the amount of water in body.
• Eat more fruits, vegetables and cereal.
• Eat foods that have more calcium (can also get calcium supplements).
• Do not drink too much coffee and drink alcohol.
• Do not smoke!
• Walk at least 30 minutes per day. Besides walking can ride a bicycle, you can swim or to engage in aerobics. Regular physical exercise improve overall health and remove symptoms of PMS (such as depression and fatigue).
• Sleep enough.
• Try breathing exercises and muscle relaxation to reduce headaches, anxiety and insomnia.
• To reduce the stress try yoga and massage.
• Remember to note what the situation aggravate the problem and when the signs of PMS appear or disappear!
To alleviate the symptoms of PMS can help:
• Calcium - If you get 1,200 milligrams of calcium a day, can reduce the signs of PMS.
• Magnesium - If you take 360 mg of magnesium supplement every day, decrease the amount of fluid in the body, reduce the strain breasts, psychological and feeling low loads of fryrit.
• Vitamin E - reduces the production of prostaglandins that cause breast ngërqet and tension, therefore it is recommended to take 400 UI vitamin E per day.
• Acupuncture - Women who have tried acupuncture emphasize that PMS symptoms have been alleviated.
If changing the way of life does not help, then depending on how prevalent are the signs and symptoms of PMS doctor can give you the drugs. The efficacy of these drugs varies from one woman to another.
Drugs that are most commonly prescribed:
• antidepressants given to severe cases of PMS. These drugs can be used for a period of two weeks before menstruation.
• nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory such as brufeni or naproxen can be taken before menstruation. Reduce cramps and breast tension.
• diuretic given if the restriction of salt and salty foods had no effect.
• hormonal contraceptives inhibit ovulation, which in turn eases the symptoms of PMS.

CNN: 10 diseases treated with cannabis

CNN has published the day the results of several studies of the Research Department of Health in the US, about the impact of medical cannabis in treating certain diseases.

Studies have been done by a group of doctors specializing in several different areas. Below are 10 diseases that can be treated effectively by cannabis based medicines.
In a study in which they include 10 people who carry HIV was observed that those who smoked marijuana regularly fed, slept well and had no weaknesses. Another study of 50 people showed that patients had fewer cannabis consumption neuropathic pain.
Medical Cannabis and some of its derivatives have been used successfully in patients with Alzheimer's syndrome. The latter could to add weight during consumption of cannabis. Consumption of cannabis with these persons Reduce the level of protein deposition in the brain. Scientists think they are very numerous deposits of protein in the brain that cause this syndrome.
A study with 58 patients who were treated with medical cannabis, concluded that these patients had less pain and arthritis in key can sleep in sleep. Another study shows that medical cannabis fights inflammatory pain.
Even to those who suffer from asthma medical cannabis helped to improve. From this study it emerged that a good part of the patient can breathe freely after consumption of cannabis. The same can be said for the rest, but often also showed complications such as chest pain and throat.
Studies on animals have shown that cannabis extracts fight cancer cells.Another study shows that medical cannabis prevents their development.THC-lo, psychoactive ingredient found in cannabis, improve cell regeneration lost. Cannabis, also helps patients have appetite after chemotherapy.
Chronic Pain
Some studies on animals and humans have shown that cannabinoids reduce chronic pain. Always people have used cannabis earlier, in the 1800s, to ease the pain. While many medications that derives from cannabis, as Savitex, is used to treat multiple sclerosis.
Celiac disease
In a pilot study with 13 patients has proven that cannabis helps patients with intestinal infections, as well as those suffering from colitis. Cannabis prevents diarrhea and helps patients make a better life.
Medical Cannabis helps reduce up to 50% of epilepsy crises. This is already proven internationally and in the US, patients suffering from epilepsy treated with cannabis oil. Results have been excellent so far at least 213 children.
Glaucoma is one of the diseases that lead to total blindness. Scientists are seeing that THC has a positive impact on the optic nerve, reducing eye pressure. But the problem is that THC has also lowers blood pressure, which can be harmful. Therefore, if cannabis is used with controlled doses, it leads to the treatment of glaucoma.
Multiple sclerosis

Use of cannabis helps immensely in preventing muscle spasms, pain, vibration or deadlock. Cannabis, hereby exempts all the nerves and blood channels that can cause blockages in the brain, which then bring sclerosis.

Patient who received chemotherapy made to hide fingerprints

The patient revealed that fingerprints are deleted when the bank officer did not let sin a transaction because fingerprints did not like before.

Wife of 65 years was diagnosed with breast cancer and was receiving therapy for three months.
Doctors who examined her condition, confirmed that "capeticabina" was the cause of settlement of signs in the fingers, reports Telegraph.
The findings, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, shows that it suffers from "hand-foot syndrome" as a side effect of chemotherapy.
This means that the patient suffers from redness, swelling and pain of the scourge of hand and soles.
This causes settling and breaking of the skin, in this case the whole deletion of signs in the fingers.

Food which slows aging

All creams, preparations and treatments will not make your new skin in natural form if not eat healthy. The key thing to slow down the aging process is eating healthy and balanced.

While it is important that we get older the body to incorporate more and more food that inflammatory features such as trees and fresh vegetables and fish and to reduce the consumption of food such as meat, industrially processed foods and refined sugars.
In multitude of healthy foods distinguish five foods healing features which affect particularly well in slowing the aging process:
Fruits mountain . - It is not important which, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries ... the choice is huge and each of these are rich in antioxidants, which are of great importance for the youthful appearance.
Vegetables of the cabbage family. - Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and others help the liver to remove toxins from the body.
Green cabbage. - This green vegetable is rich in vitamin C, potassium and lutein, which hold good viewing and strong bones, while also leveled blood pressure.
Black beans . - Always have to have black beans in reserve, which is rich in protein, which dissolve slowly, fiber and antioxidants, which help us to keep our skin as long as the new and elastic.
Green tea. - Green Tea drink hot and cold, summer and winter because it is rich in flavoring that protect the body from the emergence of heart disease and certain cancerous diseases.

How to remove the smell of feet

Here are some cures in indoor conditions smell of feet.

The stench of the legs can be really distressing and embarrassing for those who suffer such a problem. This usually happens when your feet sweating and sweat evaporates not, because the shoes or socks that you wear.
Bacteria naturally present in your skin grow as feed on sweat and dead skin cells, thereby producing smell of feet.
Many natural cures are available if you want to get rid of the smell of your feet. You should follow them regularly for a period of time, to rich and good results, writes Annabel. Some of the treatments can solve the problem in a week or something more.
Here are some cures in indoor conditions smell of feet
Soda bread
sodium bicarbonate, mostly known as soda bread, is an effective solution to eliminate the smell of feet. It neutralizes the pH of sweat and reduces bacteria.
- Take baking powder in a bowl of warm water (1 tablespoon / half liter of water) and place your feet in it for 15-20 minutes every night for about a week.
- Also can spraying a little baking soda to shoes or socks to wear them before.
Lavender oil,
lavender oil not only has a good smell but also kills bacteria. Also, this oil prevents the formation of warts on the foot.
- Take a few drops lavender oil in a bowl of warm water
- Place the feet container for 15-20 minutes.
- Repeat this treatment twice a day for several days.
Coarse salt (large grain)
coarse salt can also minimize the smell that comes from your legs as she fights microbial infections and neutralizes the smell of feet. A thick salt bath is also soothing the pain of feet from fatigue.
- Mix 2 tablespoons coarse salt with half a bucket of warm water.
- Put feet for 10-15 minutes.
- For best results, do this before bedtime in order to avoid wearing socks or shoes for some hours.
Black Tea
Black tea has tannic acid that helps eliminate bacteria that produces the smell of feet. It also helps the closing of pores on foot, reducing the amount of sweat by which bacteria feed.
- boil 2 black tea bags in 3 cups hot water. Put half a bucket of normal water to lower the temperature of the mixture.
- Put the feet in it for 15-20 minutes
- Do this daily for about a week.
Vinegar is useful for saving the smell of feet as it creates an acidic environment in which bacteria can not survive. You can use any kind of vinegar, but this treatment is advised more apple vinegar.
- Mix half a cup of vinegar in 6-8 cups warm water. 
- Put the feet in it for 10-15 minutes. 
- In the end, wash your feet thoroughly with soap to remove the smell of vinegar.