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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Seven ways to cope and overcome life crises

The loss of a loved one, moving, dismissals, termination of connection or everyday stress adversely affect our psyche, and although the easiest is to surrender to grief and mourning cry, they will not help. Maybe everything looks black and bad, but there are many reasons due to which should be thankful.

It is best to make a list of things you enjoy, whether it comes to call a friend or sun after a long winter. So problems will seem less important. Also you should be aware that there are people who have very difficult and we have to use your potential.
Reorient your attention . - In stressful situations it is best not to think about the problems immensely. The more attention you pay, the more difficult they see a way out. Better is to dedicate hobbies, association with friends or children, because we will remove themselves from the problems, the easier it will see things and you will find the solution. Give yourself time to adjust to the situation calmly new.
Believe friend. - Across difficult life crises should not switch itself, while warm word friend can work wonders for the psyche, transmits conversation with friend can help the situation more objectively viewed, while the experience of friends in similar situations can also help in solving the problems quickly.
Laughter doth valiantly . - Laughter is liberating effect, because it promotes the release of the hormone of happiness, serotonin, and thus eases stress and fatigue. Precisely because of this even in stressful situations it is important to find something that makes you laugh. The brain will interpret laughter as if we are in a good mood and relaxed, and improve concentration, and this will facilitate coping with problems and solve them.
Some things can not be changed . - Death of relatives is a fact, which can not change. To move forward is difficult, but necessary. Allow yourself the grief and tears as necessary. With time slowly concentrate on the things that can change.
Meditation helps in controlling emotions . - Daily Meditation reduces stress, improves concentration and helps to focus on ourselves and our needs. The serenity that brings meditation will help to soothe our emotions and learn to control. Would be likely to face grief, if we understand exactly what we want and how we want to achieve that.
Must continue . - Drastic changes can cause anger and resentment, but most important is not to allow such emotions take control of your life. Post to accept the newly created situation and not allow it to become permanent. That will leave as the winner in the end, depends only on you.As soon get used to deal with your feelings, the sooner you will be ready for friendships and new experiences. 

Five signs that indicate that you are in the right job

If the result is positive, your assessment work will only increase. If it is negative, then you have to apply some changes.

There are some signs that indicate that you are in the right job. Perhaps this is not your ideal job, however can be towards that path with some small signals: do what you like, feel fulfilled, you are energetic, proud, you have made many friends around, you feel part of the group. This is a good start! View details!
You are energetic
Although we started to work, ego seems to be going to spend a day of fun and feather-light feel. In your corner working in a dirty feel like dancing.You're ready for anything and have energy enough to give even colleagues. Bingo! It's a good sign that you are in the right job.
Daily energy reserves are proof that you feel happy and productive at work. Yes feasted, guards the body from toxins and feel balanced. Way to work is very precious to you. During the bus ride always dealing with something that has to do with work or hears a favorite chapter book when you are in the car.
Friday came the long-awaited and all are excited about the weekend, but you do not feel like you need a complete rest. On Sunday evening falls into bed early to wake up fresh and ready for Monday morning, because the prospect of calls.
Give your input
mind is stimulated and every day generates ideas, which is eager to make a reality. Does not expect the company to build strategies to make your ideas reality. This can happen at any level and frequency of your situation.
Thinks can always find ways to improve the operations of your department.Seeks to invest in the conception of a new product company. Also, prefers to stay in the box Company reserves when it comes to suggestions that requires it occasionally. Contributing means giving more than the basics expected of you, according to the job description does.
Often helps colleagues even when it comes to any presentation. You volunteer for the community even when you are on vacation. Always celebrates birthday in the office being distributed cake to everyone.
You're proud
Some aspects of the work that makes doing so proud. Some things should definitely pass on the surface of your mind. Company where he works has entrusted project management, its customers are in your list. Also, the benefits of the company are also the consequence of your contribution.
You're proud of everything he does and every job penetrates your identity.In any unexpected situation, words and protection come naturally and everything feels claw loud and proud.
You are always among friends
Your job is not just a bubble of happiness. It is part of a group of unforeseen factors, including daily access to people with whom you work.Always thinks how to nurture society. You have things in common with them, time shares, shares fun, laughter shares provides support.Otherwise, the work can be terrible and it would be reasonable to make ourselves the question: what am I doing here? Strongly encourage friendships at work and exceptional support. If you ever had a friend who loves, knows quite well that help can be.
Always learns from work
This is a point which is not related to age. No matter if you are eight or eighty. The opportunity to learn to forgive more satisfaction from work. But this practice learning has nothing to do directly with your work. Learning can be simply a peripheral stimulus. You can learn from being exposed face of interesting clients, the voluntary work or charitable activities.
Technically it is a piece of work, which does satisfy and build new relationships with people. In fact, this may be the best part of the job, writes class magazine. Although their work does and professionalism, you can be a relatively empty vessel that needs to be filled with knowledge and wisdom.
Having said all, intuition should now be able to understand if you are in the right job or the wrong job. Either way, at least I know where you are, strengthened. If the result is positive, your assessment work will only increase. If it is negative, then you have to apply some changes. It's entirely in your hands! 

What we eat has some effects on vaginal health

Did you know that at least 75% of women spend at least one such infection in their lives? Approximately the same percentage for bacterial cases. No matter how strange sound, there are certain foods that create a healthy environment in the area of ​​female genital organs and enable a 'function' properly.

But, remember that sometimes, almost every time, what is in your plate is the key to good health.
The genital mutilation has a natural acid pH, which keeps away the infections that everything be okay.
This is a list of foods that have a positive impact on your health Genital:
Cranberry juice
This juice is filled with acidic components, which help fight bad bacteria also helps in cases of urinary tract infections. Remember to drink a liquid such non bio and add the sugar as can be sold at market.
Yogurt contains the same bacteria 'good' that your vagina needs to maintain a healthy pH level. Ask for healthy yogurt with active live cultures.
Garlic is known for its qualities as well as antibacterial antirrhinum. Eat it raw is best, but you can consume in the form of capsules. You can even put directly in the genital area in the case of infections.
Dark chocolate
Yes, chocolate! Refer to those with high cocoa content, the more the better black. Studies show that women who consume at least one piece of such a day, have a better sexual health.
key life course would be in this list. Vaginal mucous membranes require large amounts of water. For good health, you should hydrate. 'Listen' to your body, there is a magic number than the water you need to drink a day. You want a urine had almost no color, no odor. Water helps in lubrication of the vaginal area and helps in removing odors.
Fresh fruits and vegetables
you want less menstrual pain, better skin, easier orgasm? Keep a diet containing a variate nutrition vitamins and minerals. Greenery should be consumed in abundance. They influence the circulation and prevent vaginal dryness. Avocados are another stimulant that goal. Rich in B6 and potassium they contribute to the health of the vaginal walls.
Seeds and dried
Vitamin E helps prevent dehydration of the area, can be found in most of the seeds or dried, as well as in the oil derived from them, writes Annabel.Almonds or pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc, essential mineral that regulates the menstrual cycle and helps combat dehydration and irritation.

How many times must we eat during the day

If you are worried about weight gain, post to know that recent research results have shown that the two largest meals a day can have more benefit if eaten in smaller portions, even if you consume the same amount of calories .

If you are worried about weight gain, post to know that recent research results have shown that the two largest meals a day can have more benefit if eaten in smaller portions, even if you consume the same amount of calories .
In the research participated persons who suffer from diabetes type 2. Those in the period of 12 weeks have followed certain food program. The first group every day is eat 3 meals and 3 between meals, while the second group two larger meals (breakfast and lunch). Both groups consumed the same amount of calories and nutrients.
The research results have shown that the participants of the second group after 12 weeks reduced body mass index for even 3 times more compared with participants from the first group.
When you reduce the consumption of calories metabolism slows down. In this case, people who ate 2 meals a day, have held equally rapid metabolism, as well as people who eat 6 times a day. Scientists believe that the reason is that the body must expend more energy to break bigger meals.
Scientists point out that research conducted in people who suffer from diabetes type 2 and that does not mean that such food regime will answer all forwards WomensHealthMag.
Previous research has shown that more small meals day and keep appetite under control, while the level of sugar remains stable. In this way reduced the frequency of desire to eat what speeds weakening.
Even the authors of the survey point out that the consumption of only two meals a day is not the best strategy for weakening, at least not for everyone. The best would be if you eat breakfast and lunch abundant, and dinner easier.
If you are inclined to granular something during the day, listen to the body.Sometimes it comes to thirst, hunger sometimes, and sometimes in question is the decline in the level of sugar.
Your subtleties must be rich in fiber, and contain fewer calories. In this way you will remain longer saturated and will prevent accumulation of excess kilos.

Chest dependent? Here mistakes you make.

Dependent breast is not aesthetic, certainly no woman wants to have a chest that, but however most of them make some mistakes 'inexcusable' which reflected directly to the appearance of the silhouette.

Here are some of the mistakes that you make:
Wear the wrong size bra or simply the fact that wear
Are you confused? Some studies say that bra which do not provide much support over time cause chest hanging. Make sure you get the right size for your body. On the other hand a 15-year study has found that women who use no bra have a chest less dependent than those who use them.The choice is yours.
Do not drink enough water
No wonder he is the most magical drink in the world. Non-smoking enough water can cause a skin dehydrated later wrinkled, not only in the face.
Not protect from sunlight chest
Like to wear sleeveless shirts in the summer? Make sure you put sun cream against all skin that will be exposed. Damage from the sun can cause premature aging and skin hanging.
An 8-year study has revealed that smoking can contribute to hanging skin of the chest, writes Annabel. How? It hurts flexible, which is the case that gives skin a healthy look new.
Drastic changes in weight
If you are from those people who hold diet for a while and later regain lost again weighty enough (or more), so do keep a regular regimen food, then your chest will suffer too. The skin loses elasticity when stretched, so when you add weight immediately. When you lose, the first place that will create problems is the chest, because most of it is composed of fatty tissue.