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Monday, May 11, 2015

Some tips to escape from acne

For a clean face, there are some alternatives to prevent their development, are not absolute, but are worth Attempting. Here are some custom, taught by various consultations with beautician, dermatologists and cognitive secrets healthy life.

Do not touch your face with dirty hands. Drink much more water. Water helps cleanse the body of impurities and skin to heal.
Very good drinking is organic green tea. It contains many antioxidants, which are excellent to remove impurities from the body.
Say no dairy, fatty foods, fried foods, sparkling beverages, chocolate and alcohol. These foods contain high levels of chemicals etc. as these that better not pull in the body if clean face
Do not be consumed more sugar. All the above mentioned foods back into sugar when taken from the body and too much sugar means more acne.
But there are not only forbidden foods. Foods that can eat: spinach and other green vegetables, dried fruit, to name a few. Do not fry these foods, do not saturate with oil.
You must constantly stratify skin. This to remove lifeless cells to grow new cells, class magazine writes. Use natural way against them.
Have patience. Acne may be hormonal, stress or allergies. If you persist consult dermatologist. 

Twenty facts about Down syndrome

Associated with Down's syndrome are some facts that are characteristic of all people who have the syndrome.

1. Individuals with Down syndrome have 47 chromosomes instead of 46 chromosomes that individuals without the syndrome. How does this happen? They have an extra copy of chromosome 21-to.
2. Down syndrome is not a disease (or something sticky). It is a genetic condition (chromosomal disorder) caused by the presence of an extra chromosome in the 21st chromosome genetic factor to every man is also determining the color of hair, eyes and length.
3. Called Down syndrome, not Down-mails, and individuals who have Down syndrome are not Down syndrome. Down syndrome does not specify the individual, it is simply a part of what are these individuals.
4. Individuals do not have Down syndrome "light" or "heavy". The ability does not depend on genetic condition but the individual. Individuals have Down syndrome or not have it.
5. Unlike the perception created, individuals with Down syndrome are always happy. They experience every emotion.
6. Children with Down syndrome go to the same stages of development as children who do not have this syndrome. What is the difference between them? Compared with their peers, children with Down syndrome need more time and work with the assistance of family and therapeutic services professionals to achieve development milestones, such as rotation, to sitting, dragging, the walking, talking, etc.
7. Although there are some characteristic physical features in individuals with Down syndrome, these individuals resemble many with their family than with each other.
8. facial features of an individual does not determine his cognitive ability.Just because someone has some physical features characteristic of Down syndrome, does not mean that lower intelligence level. Also because someone has physical traits of Down syndrome little more distinct, does not mean that their intelligence is higher.
9. You will get what you are expecting and will not be disappointed! Just because a child has Down syndrome, it does not mean that they are not able to behave well or follow the instructions. Children with Down syndrome are smart. They need several minutes to understand the expectations (or commands) to react or respond.
10. There are three types of Down syndrome: 1. "Trizomia 21 unbroken" is encountered. All cells have an extra chromosome. 2. Down's Syndrome form "Translokacion", occurs when a chromosome 21 attached (translokohet) in other chromosomes. Children with Down syndrome usually have translokacion final two copies of chromosome 21, but they also have extra material from chromosome 21 attached to translokuar chromosome. 3. The final mosaic Down syndrome, occurs when only some cells have an extra chromosome but other cells in the body are 46 chromosomes.
11. All individuals with Down syndrome experience cognitive delay, but the effect is usually mild to moderate and is not indicative of the many strengths and talents that each individual may have Down syndrome.(National Down Syndrome Society).
12. Not all children / individuals with Down syndrome are alike. To know someone with Down syndrome, does not mean that all individuals with Down syndrome are the same. We are all individuals, regardless of how chromosomes have.
13. Older children and older adults with Down syndrome are aware that they have this syndrome.
14. Adults with Down syndrome are not destined to be a "child forever", but adults who have this syndrome.
15. Children with Down syndrome perform better in an inclusive learning environment and their fellow friends kindergarten / school perform better when they learn about diversity, goodwill and friendship in the early age.Comprehensive classes learn and benefit of all children.
16. Individuals with Down syndrome contribute to their families, in schools, in work environments with their peers and society.
17. The brothers and sisters of individuals with Down syndrome are not adversely affected by their presence in the family, even the opposite happens. Most report that their relationship is one of the greatest gifts in their lives.
18. Many adults with Down syndrome attend college, they have a job or get married.
19. Individuals not "suffer" from Down syndrome (or physically due to the syndrome), transmits In a study conducted by Brian Stotko, 99% of adults with Down syndrome report that they are happy with their lives.
20. Brian Stotko study, only 5% of parents stated that they feel confused about the fact that their child has Down syndrome.

Cell phone holster, more polluted than the toilet

According to a study shows that rattles phones is more polluted than gloves of a public toilet ...

Sheath of phones are probably things that we touch more during the day.But, have you ever thought how it can contain bacteria like E-coli or viruses, which are transmitted in your face, create irritation, acne, but the disease?
Even cell phones should be cleaned more often because they are very dirty, because stick everywhere with us. Keep therefore and do them hygienic care. 
What to do to minimize their dirt:
▪ Wash your hands often because his most bacteria are transmitted by hand or otherwise.
▪ Try not to take the phone with you when you go to the toilet.
▪ If you've really necessary, they do not leave the sink or near the bin because both are located in a bacterial source.
▪ Wash often. You can also use soap or a detergent just another simple with which wash hands.
▪ If you are in an environment outside, put down the handset so that the rays of the sun fall on the sheath because UV rays kill some of the bacteria. 

Eight tips to have a fresh breath

Your breath is not always fresh. It happens that the spirit with unpleasant aroma affect us in the most inconvenient moment, in an important dinner, job interview, etc. romantic rendezvous. This is a problem that requires its own importance when people do not prefer to stay close to someone who has such a problem.

Here's the advice that you can follow:
Oral Hygiene
Although it may seem a bit banal, this rule should be followed strictly.Washing the mouth after every meal is as important as to avoid unpleasant smell, but also to care for dental health. If 'smitten' surprise, try to use a sprayer refreshing with antibacterial effect.
Dry mouth
when the mouth is not hydrated enough, the spirit can become heavy and uncomfortable. Try to drink as much water during the day to avoid it.
Do not leave any meal
diets Although you may not seem related to the freshness of mouth, in fact if you leave a free meal consumed, the stomach begins to work being empty. This causes the release of gastric juices that can cause heavy smell of spirit.
If you suddenly find yourself in such a situation, try to chew some small leaf parsley. It will take you a few minutes.
If you want to contest the emergence of this flavor, prepare a mesteje tea , writes Annabel. It will help you keep a fresh breath all day.
Fruit cardamom
course can not keep brush with it during the day, but can keep fruits cardamom. Keep for 15 minutes in the mouth as if they were candy, for a fresh breath.
sage leaves can also be used for the same purpose.
Vitamin C
is the most important food. Try to consume foods rich in vitamin C to always have fresh breath and no bad smell.

How to protect yourself from mosquitoes

Warmer days also bring mosquitoes. Research has shown that genes are mostly to blame why you so "attractive" to mosquitoes, although there are many other things that can attract.

Here are some tips that will help you protect yourself.
- Empty the water from any object in your garden or on the terrace, because it attracts. In the kitchen garden or terrace basil plant, because mosquitoes do not endure his scent.
- Reduce the amount of sugar in food, because they consume a lot of sugar mainly end up picking. Some research has shown that mosquitoes bite most often people who eat more bananas.
- Wear clothes with light colored things, because dark colors attract and make more aggressive.
- Perfumes and deodorants with nuances of flowers are real bait for mosquitoes, so avoid getting when you go, for example, into the river.
- Mosquitoes were impedes vitamin B, so take it in tablets.
- In 100 ml coconut oil or sunflower basic add 10 drops of lavender oil, lemon oil 8 points and 8 drops of oil rose. Pour mixture into a dark bottle glass, close and shake. This mixture can apply to the skin each time before you leave home, reports They can also help lavender and apple vinegar, so need use in places where the pulse is strongest - in the joints, neck, behind the ears.
- Poach cucumber, finely divide and then grind in the mixer. Share summoned fluid and ice container. Such bones cucumber juice dab the skin of the face and hands.

Conference begins with the motto "Where the sun meets the skin"

Dermatologists Association of Kosovo and the Albanian Association of Dermatologists, is holding Professional Conference - organized Scientific today, with float "Melanoma malignum. Where the sun meets the skin "

With the participation of health professionals from Kosovo and Albania, the conference discussed topics are professional in this field, methods of diagnosis and treatment of this serious disease, and will be given more information about contemporary aspects of prevention and treatment of melonomës malignum .
Early diagnosis of melanoma, may reduce morbidity and mortality from this pathology.
The conference supported by the Ministry of Health, the Board for Continuing Medical Education, is being held in Prevalla, Prizren.