If you are worried about weight gain, post to know that recent research results have shown that the two largest meals a day can have more benefit if eaten in smaller portions, even if you consume the same amount of calories .
If you are worried about weight gain, post to know that recent research results have shown that the two largest meals a day can have more benefit if eaten in smaller portions, even if you consume the same amount of calories .

The research results have shown that the participants of the second group after 12 weeks reduced body mass index for even 3 times more compared with participants from the first group.
When you reduce the consumption of calories metabolism slows down. In this case, people who ate 2 meals a day, have held equally rapid metabolism, as well as people who eat 6 times a day. Scientists believe that the reason is that the body must expend more energy to break bigger meals.
Scientists point out that research conducted in people who suffer from diabetes type 2 and that does not mean that such food regime will answer all forwards WomensHealthMag.
Previous research has shown that more small meals day and keep appetite under control, while the level of sugar remains stable. In this way reduced the frequency of desire to eat what speeds weakening.
Previous research has shown that more small meals day and keep appetite under control, while the level of sugar remains stable. In this way reduced the frequency of desire to eat what speeds weakening.
Even the authors of the survey point out that the consumption of only two meals a day is not the best strategy for weakening, at least not for everyone. The best would be if you eat breakfast and lunch abundant, and dinner easier.
If you are inclined to granular something during the day, listen to the body.Sometimes it comes to thirst, hunger sometimes, and sometimes in question is the decline in the level of sugar.
Your subtleties must be rich in fiber, and contain fewer calories. In this way you will remain longer saturated and will prevent accumulation of excess kilos.
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