Crying is a natural way of protecting the body from stress hormones, so do not restrain the next time you feel the need for tears.
Tears are very useful, because ease the pain of rheumatoid arthritis, regulating the immune system and reduce allergies, showed a survey conducted at Indiana University.

Previous research has shown that people who suffer from eczema and allergies after crying have lower levels of markers of inflammation immunoglobulin, while the Japanese research has shown that people who have pain weep smaller and smaller symptoms of arthritis Rheumatoid that patient.
So after crying blood tests have shown that the level of natural immune chemicals that aggravate rheumatoid arthritis is smaller than usual, and after a year wailing, it could better control his disease.
The common conclusion is that scientists crying and tears increase the level of oxytocin, the hormone of happiness, which also blocks the release of cortisol, the stress hormone, transmits Therefore tears are actually the body's natural defense against stress hormone because crying convey strong activity in parasimpatik nervous system, which calms the body after stressful events - injuries, for example - and slows down the heart.
Therefore grandmothers were right when they told us that it is good to cry when we feel the need and should not contain the tears, because the benefits that bring our body are really great.
Otherwise, the results of the survey also showed that women cry more often than men, but more often weep to positive events, while females to negative ones. This is explained by the fact that the press need for weeping testosterone, prolactin until strengthens.
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