Success was achieved dizzying offer free heart check in Hospital Medicine. Hospital arrived within the week to treat over 800 patients in need. It was not the last offer, Hospital continued with other similar offerings.
Seeing the growing interest of visitors to the controls, intervention and surgery in the heart of Hospital Medicine, the first and only in Kosovo with heart surgical services 24 hours a day, at the end of December launched next bid price for coronary bypass Promotional for more than two months.

Regular audits influence in preventing the deterioration of patients and affect the operations to be more successful, "said Op. Dr. Mehmet Nuri Karabulut Hospital Medicine. Within offer many patients were checked until 21 persons were successfully operated in open heart. "I am very grateful for the relief it gave us the hospital taking into account the difficult financial conditions. My Operation succeeded and under controls that have made recovery is continuing with regular steps.
I feel confident in the support of the doctor who operated on, "said one of the patients operated with this offer. Hospital Medicine will continue in the future to take care for providing such opportunities solidarity with all people. citizens. "We are very pleased that we were able to make such support to people in need, and feel obliged to support citizens whenever possible," added Hospital director finally Medicine.
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