Below are seven truths to kidney stones.

1. For unknown reasons the number of people with kidney stones has increased in recent years. In the '70's of last century, 3.8% of people had problems with kidney stones, in the 90s, this number rose to 5.2%, while in 2010, 5.8% of the population considered the world with kidney stones.Prevalence of kidney stone increases with age dramatically. Males appear after age 40 years and continues to grow until the age of 70 years. In females, the frequency of kidney stones reaches its maximum at the age of 50 years.
2. Kidney stones may not cause pain when in the kidney. But, if you go by the kidneys and urinary canal fed can cause more severe pain. Symptoms of kidney stones that move are: strong pungent pain in the back, stomach, groin, may cause blood in the urine. If there is associated with urinary tract infection, you may have a fever and body temperature rise.
3. Diagnosis issued based on typical symptoms which causes kidney stone vi, and with the help of some diagnostic methods such as ray recording -X in the urinary tract, urografi with contrast or computerized tomography. For pregnant women or for patients in whom it is not desirable or advisable radiation (radiation), then we can help control ultrasound finding diagnosis.
4. Most kidney stones spontaneously discharged into the urinary channel in the first 48 hours after the start of the attack and kidney. Pain medication can help relieve the symptoms. Several factors can affect the removal of kidney stones from the urinary canal. These include the size and physical structure of the patient, previous releases of spontaneous kidney stone, prostate enlargement, pregnancy, etc.
5. The size of the stone is of great importance. 4 mm sized stone has 80% chance of spontaneously discharged while 5 mm stone size is 20%. stone larger than 9-10 mm rarely spontaneously discharged, therefore requires is any kind of treatment.
6. The most common cause of kidney stone is insufficient intake of fluids, transmit Recommended adequate intake of fluids so that urine has a pale yellow color and more diluted. Every day should drink at least 8-10 glasses of water and urinate more frequently.
7. For the stones that do not spontaneously discharged from urinary tract, another method is used called litotripsi (breaking the stone). When performing this procedure, shock waves are used to break the stone into tiny particles which then will be discharged spontaneously in the urinary tract. There and surgical techniques to remove the stone from the kidney and urinary tract (nefrolitotomi ureterorenoskopija either percutaneous or open surgery).
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