There are many reasons why you should not drink coffee, but this drink black, which people around the world prepare to win new work has a positive effect on our health.
You've heard a lot of advice on how coffee is bad for health and should be avoided, but if you are in doubt whether to start the day with or to stay alert during the exam, do not despair, because scientists claim that coffee black hides incredible positive effects.
Although caffeine can promote anxiety and insomnia, coffee is packed with strong antioxidants that act on people's health better than fruits and vegetables. But scientists from the American University "By" say how coffee should be drunk organically cultivated which is not treated with various chemicals that can cancel all its benefits.
Coffee reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes - the more coffee you drink you have less chance of being affected by diabetes. For example, UCLA University study showed that postmenopausal women who drank at least four cups of coffee a day were nearly 50 percent less likely to suffer from type 2 diabetes than people who do not enjoy that at all black drink, broadcasts. In fact, each additional cup of coffee in order to add reduces the chance of developing diabetes, at least so say Australian scientists.
How does: scientists believe that coffee consumption increases the concentration of specific proteins in the blood, which protects from diabetes, respectively, increases the body's tolerance to glucose so that accelerates metabolism.
Coffee can renew cells affected by cancer - A long been considered that coffee causes cancer, but new research has shown that it can protect the body from some form of carcinoma, probably by promoting regeneration of DNA. For example, two separate studies conducted at Harvard University in 2011 showed that women who drink several cups of coffee a day have less risk of endometrial cancer, while six cups of coffee a day reduces to 60 percent chance that men acquire prostate cancer.
How does: scientists believe that compounds from coffee prevent inflamtore processes in the body, and in particular antioxidant methylpyridine which can only be found in coffee because created during baking or roasting the beans.
Coffee reduces the risk of dementia - Although scientists have not entirely clear how Alzheimer's disease brain changes are confident that coffee reduces the risk of memory loss. Scandinavian scientists research has shown that people who drink three to five cups of coffee a day were 65 percent less chance to be affected by dementia than people who drank two days or less cups of coffee.
How does: Scientists believe that antioxidants from coffee play an important role for preventing blockage of blood vessels, which are one of the main causes of memory loss. Reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, which is also the cause of dementia, and reduced cholesterol that has significant negative impact on cognitive functions.
Coffee protects men from Parkinson's disease - In reviewing the results of 26 different studies scientists have concluded that men who drank two to three cups of coffee a day were 25 percent less risk of Parkinson's disease than men who abstain from drink black, transmits Unfortunately coffee has no beneficial effect on women.
How does: scientists are not sure of how coffee protects men from Parkinson.
Coffee reduces depression - major research conducted at Harvard University 50 thousand nurses in the period of 25 years has shown that women who drink four cups of coffee were 20 percent less likely to suffer from depression than those who did not drink at all coffee. Finnish study has shown that coffee reduces the risk of male suicide.
How does: even in this case the scientists are not sure how it operates coffee, but there are theories which claim that caffeine for a short time improves mood and stimulates the body which can remove negative emotions.
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