CNN has published the day the results of several studies of the Research Department of Health in the US, about the impact of medical cannabis in treating certain diseases.

In a study in which they include 10 people who carry HIV was observed that those who smoked marijuana regularly fed, slept well and had no weaknesses. Another study of 50 people showed that patients had fewer cannabis consumption neuropathic pain.
Medical Cannabis and some of its derivatives have been used successfully in patients with Alzheimer's syndrome. The latter could to add weight during consumption of cannabis. Consumption of cannabis with these persons Reduce the level of protein deposition in the brain. Scientists think they are very numerous deposits of protein in the brain that cause this syndrome.
A study with 58 patients who were treated with medical cannabis, concluded that these patients had less pain and arthritis in key can sleep in sleep. Another study shows that medical cannabis fights inflammatory pain.
Even to those who suffer from asthma medical cannabis helped to improve. From this study it emerged that a good part of the patient can breathe freely after consumption of cannabis. The same can be said for the rest, but often also showed complications such as chest pain and throat.
Studies on animals have shown that cannabis extracts fight cancer cells.Another study shows that medical cannabis prevents their development.THC-lo, psychoactive ingredient found in cannabis, improve cell regeneration lost. Cannabis, also helps patients have appetite after chemotherapy.
Chronic Pain
Some studies on animals and humans have shown that cannabinoids reduce chronic pain. Always people have used cannabis earlier, in the 1800s, to ease the pain. While many medications that derives from cannabis, as Savitex, is used to treat multiple sclerosis.
Celiac disease
In a pilot study with 13 patients has proven that cannabis helps patients with intestinal infections, as well as those suffering from colitis. Cannabis prevents diarrhea and helps patients make a better life.
Medical Cannabis helps reduce up to 50% of epilepsy crises. This is already proven internationally and in the US, patients suffering from epilepsy treated with cannabis oil. Results have been excellent so far at least 213 children.
Glaucoma is one of the diseases that lead to total blindness. Scientists are seeing that THC has a positive impact on the optic nerve, reducing eye pressure. But the problem is that THC has also lowers blood pressure, which can be harmful. Therefore, if cannabis is used with controlled doses, it leads to the treatment of glaucoma.
Multiple sclerosis
Use of cannabis helps immensely in preventing muscle spasms, pain, vibration or deadlock. Cannabis, hereby exempts all the nerves and blood channels that can cause blockages in the brain, which then bring sclerosis.
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