Studies from the Center for Cancer Research at the University of Colorado showed that the extract seeds

Compared with bioactive ingredients, the grape seed extract, chemotherapy seems like an archaic form of treatment, especially if we consider the fact that chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer recurrence, which is 10 times stronger than cancer diagnosed ago.
These treatments kill healthy cells, but GSE ingredients, including kurkuminin and resveratrolin, does not affect healthy cells, but destroy tumor cells.
Meat extract seeds (GSE- Grape Seed Ex-tract) is so efficient, that could affect the fourth stage of cancer with a stunning success, writes Start. One of the doctors involved in the study, said that "takes less than half the concentration of GSE to stop the growth of cancer cells in the fourth phase compared with concentrate which achieves a similar effect on cancer cells in stage second ".
The researchers explain that GSE attacks multiple mutations in cells to eliminate and prevent their spread in the body.
Only 1.50-25o the GSE's milligrams a day can have a preventive effect on colorectal cancer, while at the same time also affects prevention to a range of other diseases.
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