Children who have problems in school may benefit from eating more of the fish or taking omega-3 supplements, because they stimulate brain function, scientists have claimed.

Fatty acids, which are present in sea food are crucial for brain structure and function, and in maintaining the heart and immune system in good condition.
Consuming healthy amounts of omega-3, either through diet or supplements can help the performance of students in school, said researchers from the University of Oxford.
Scientists have measured the levels of omega-3 in blood samples from 493 school children aged seven to nine years, and have asked their parents to report on their ordinary food.
Nearly nine out of ten children who ate more than two portions of fish a week - quantity recommended by health officials and nearly one in ten never ate fish. On average omega-3 accounted for only 2.45 percent of total fatty acids blood children until the minimum amount recommended to keep your heart healthy adults and four percent recommended level is 8 to 12 percent.
The study, published in the journal "PLoS One" has revealed that levels of omega-3 DHA, the dominant form of omega-3 in the brain, has determined the ability of children to learn and pay attention.
Professor Paul Montgomery, one of the researchers said: "We have discovered that levels of Omega-3 fatty acids in the blood significantly determined the child's behavior and ability to learn."
"This study suggests that a large number, if not the majority of children in the UK are probably not consume enough Omega 3 which needs brain, heart and immune system healthy, broadcasts. This is serious cause for concern - especially since we discovered that DHA lower the blood is associated with behavior and learning weaker to these children, "added co-author, Dr. Alex Richardson.
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