We all know the benefits of undeniable sex, but did you know that it is scientifically proven that the amount of sex is enough to ensure long life?

Study whom have made in Australia has revealed that people who have intercourse once a day were 50 percent less risk of sudden death from whatever medical reason, compared with those who have sex once a week or a once a month.
Another study, which has made American scientist Debby Herbenick, has revealed that adults who were morning sex is the first thing with which start the day, not only are more optimistic about the rest of the day, but they also strong immune system of those who most willingly drank a cup of tea or eat a sandwich before going to work.
Also, the ratio of a stock Psichologu couples Today measured creativity in research, had to imagine the long walk across the beach to the person loved and fast sex with a stranger. Qëllojani which option has become more creative? Obviously, the second option!
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