Panic attack is accompanied by feelings of embarrassment that arises without any sign or warning earlier. These attacks can occur at any time, even during sleep.

The most common symptoms of panic attack are:
• Work the heart speed;
• The vent of weakness, dizziness and fainting decrease;
• slaughter feeling in the hands and fingers;
• Feelings of fear of sudden death;
• Pain in the chest;
• breathing problems;
• Reduction of self-control ;
• cold sweat.
• The vent of weakness, dizziness and fainting decrease;
• slaughter feeling in the hands and fingers;
• Feelings of fear of sudden death;
• Pain in the chest;
• breathing problems;
• Reduction of self-control ;
• cold sweat.
Panic attacks are basically short, lasting less than 10 minutes. People who have experienced a panic attack once the experience more often, compared to people who have not ever experienced.
Persons who experience panic attacks again feel chronic anxiety and fear because they can not predict when it will happen next attack. Women twice as often experience panic attacks.
Experts still do not know the precise cause of these attacks. However, it proved that attacks are more common in people who are currently going through major life changes (marriage, birth of a child, first job). Also there is evidence that genetically transmitted panic attacks.
People who suffer from panic attacks have a greater risk of creating depression, committing suicide or abuse of alcohol or drugs.
Fortunately, panic attacks can be cured. Psychotherapy or medication proved to be successful, transmits If medications are necessary, your doctor will recommend anti-anxiety medication, but medication against depression who also facilitate pains.
Panic attacks are something for which people do not speak with much pleasure, because people who go through such attacks often think they are mentally disturbed and comes to the creation of a sense of shame before the public. If you pass through these attacks, do not hesitate to ask for help from family, friends or an expert partner.
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