Here's what he has to say on the subject dr. Lauren Streicher, a professor of gynecology and obstetrics at Northwestern University.

When a woman is excited, the vagina passes through some major physical changes. Increased blood circulation in the genital region helps in lubricating the walls "wrinkled" of the vagina, and when that happens, those "wrinkles" as "exempt" little relieved tissue, thus creating completely sufficient place for penis, regardless Considering the size.
If the partner has very large penis, dr. Streicher recommends that in such cases the use lubricant additive, even someone who has basic water: "vagina becomes" slippery, whereas sex more comfortable, more entertaining and more fun ".
If after sex feel bash "tight as usual", there is no reason for concern.Vagina exactly a long time has been more than normally, says dr.Streicher.
When there is a problem, or feeling as if the vagina is not sufficiently "strong", most often the problem is not the vagina itself, but the last of the pelvic muscles. So Kegelit exercises. Every day. Without any harm.
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