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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Cocaine causes "profound changes" in the brain, which makes the user more dependent

Scientists have warned that cocaine makes changes to "depth" in the brain - even if used only once.

These changes reduce self-control and do not stop the desire to consume again, reports Telegraph.
Peter McCormic researcher from the University of Southern England, said: "Only a single dose of cocaine, can change the entire architecture of the brain and create dependency, which requires the user to get back in."
In experiments with mice, it was found that cocaine you put them by a "wedge" between the two major proteins of the brain and blocks the communication between them.
This lack of communication causes the brain to be hard to deal with stress and pressure, finding solace in cocaine.
In the study published in the Journal of Neuroscience, shows that we are working on this "wedge" in the brain, which causes cocaine.
Findings from this research will be used to help addicts white substance. 

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