As sooner is better.

Many parents forget to explain to children what to do with the money that was given and they take for granted that they can spend immediately.
Since the age of 3 years give their children money daily. Set up savings transparent caches (visual aspect is important for children) where the share of spending money faster and will save.
When you're done shopping, ask them what they want and for small things like sweets, Tell that they could buy with the money they have for quick expense. For most expensive things, like bicycles, explain the need to save a little every day to buy themselves what they want.
People earn money at work
Children need to understand that money does not fall from the trees, writes Annabel. You will understand that the child must begin to recognize the work in time starts to complain that wants more money and this happens around age 3 years.
Children need to understand that money does not fall from the trees, writes Annabel. You will understand that the child must begin to recognize the work in time starts to complain that wants more money and this happens around age 3 years.
Talk to your profession and asked what would make when he grows up. If for example the child says it will be vet, assign small tasks such as feeding, washing or domestic animal walk, and give a small amount of money, in addition to those receiving daily, to show that work is rewarded.
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