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Thursday, April 30, 2015

These are foods that contain 100 calories

Prefer a plate with strawberries or a third of the string that chocolate? Or prefer four peaches, instead of a piece of cheese?

Most of us do not know how many calories contain the usual things, to eat without control every day, reports Telegraph.
Research shows that many ignore the number of calories in food, taking more calories. This is not only bad for the body line, but we damages teeth and can affect our mood.
Dietitian Helen Bond expert has made ​​this summary of foods that contain up to 100 calories, and the results are surprising ...  / Telegraph /

Sugar makes skin older

In a survey conducted by American scientists has discovered that blood sugar levels can

In the research participated 670 persons aged 50 to 70 years. Results have shown that any increase in the level of blood sugar for 1 mmol / L makes the skin for 5 months old.
Previous research has shown that excessive consumption of sugar negatively affects the production of collagen and elastinit, which give skin elasticity, which can cause the creation of early signs of aging.
If you want to save the youth, it is time to be careful with the consumption of sugar. However, this does not mean that sugar is bad, but carbohydrates, broadcasts. The important thing is quantity, but also the type of carbohydrates that you consume.
Experts bring some advice with the help of which will check the consumption of sugar:
• Avoid refined sugars because there is no nutritional value, which means that is not necessary for the organism;
• Eat pastries and bread from integral cereals;
• replace white rice with integral;
• Avoid juices and artificial ëmbëltuesit;
• Consume natural sugar by fresh fruit or dried. 

Cocaine causes "profound changes" in the brain, which makes the user more dependent

Scientists have warned that cocaine makes changes to "depth" in the brain - even if used only once.

These changes reduce self-control and do not stop the desire to consume again, reports Telegraph.
Peter McCormic researcher from the University of Southern England, said: "Only a single dose of cocaine, can change the entire architecture of the brain and create dependency, which requires the user to get back in."
In experiments with mice, it was found that cocaine you put them by a "wedge" between the two major proteins of the brain and blocks the communication between them.
This lack of communication causes the brain to be hard to deal with stress and pressure, finding solace in cocaine.
In the study published in the Journal of Neuroscience, shows that we are working on this "wedge" in the brain, which causes cocaine.
Findings from this research will be used to help addicts white substance. 

Is it effective running in place?

Cardiovascular exercises are type of exercises that speed up heart function, breathing and promote sweating. Running in place meets all the conditions, and therefore may be viewed as cardiovascular exercise.

Experts point out that running in place, which can make even in the comfort of your home is also great for people who do not have access to the parks for jogging, broadcasts. Even with a research has shown that running in the environment filled with gases (street, highway) can do more harm than good. If you are fans of outdoor running, try to arrange your time so that you run in the morning, when it is less the presence of environmental gases.
Running in place is a good choice for those who can not donate money to buy the track for jogging or gym membership. It is also excellent because it can run completely barefoot, so instinctively will start and run properly.
The technique - is quite simple. Get a good pair of sneakers or stay on a soft surface. Begin to run in place, but raise your hand because it will encourage additional expenditure of calories. There are also different variants of running the country. Thus, for example, can raise your knees closer to the chest or to quicken the pace.
Expenditure of calories - Although different from outdoor running or tape, running in place gives almost the same results. And in an hour running in place (5 km / h) spent about 563 calories (70 kilograms heavier persons).
Strengths - Besides spending calories, running in the country has also many other advantages. Can be run at any time of the day, while watching television or listening to music, reports Good health is also equally outdoor sprint or tape, and also helps in the formation of the body and weakening. Higher results will notice on foot, groin and buttock.
Start - If you have problems with health, first of all consult a physician because running is not the best solution for everyone. It is best to start and run in a period of 30 minutes 4 times a week. When you notice the growth of sports sustainability, gradually increase the running time. At first it is important to make a day of rest in between each training. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Mystery of 'feminine ejaculation' - A new research has revealed the unexpected

Female ejaculation is one of the mysteries of the human race. A new research, which has made Samuel Salama in France, used ultrasound and chemical analysis, in order to provide the final answer to the question of the origin of female ejaculation.

Using ultrasound, women have urinary bladders are checked before intimate relationships in order to verify that the bladder is empty, reports Telegraph.
Directly before orgasm are those female bladder was full. Bladder would be empty again after the release of ejaculation.
Fluid biochemical analysis showed that two out of five women have derived from body fluid, which has the same composition as well as their urine.
In other women fluid found for prostate specific antigen, which Skenit glands release, namely "female prostate. Fluid such women was white and "like milk ', while just such considered' female ejaculation '.
This research helps to break the contradictions about the fluid, which many women release during orgasm. These are certainly two different liquids from different sources.
"Still it is not known whether they have a psychological role liquids used for any purpose," said Barry Komisaruk, one of the experts of the research team.

Live longer without stress

Stress has become a part of our lives fabricating busy and obligations, but it causes havoc on our health and our lives in general.

Read to find measures that can relieve you from stress, reports Telegraph.
The impact of stress
or adrenaline produced All epinefrina during stress, survival method often issued during these busy days. The adrenaline released when you are under mental pressure and body says to turn sugar stored by the liver into glucose, because the energy that the body becomes necessary to raise the alarm about the possible war, or struggle for survival.
The bad news is that this scenario almost never played and released into the blood sugar is not used. Being stored as fat, one of two things can happen on the type of prolonged survival.
A: Your body will be deposited as fat sugar released and will require more energy from sugar. This adds weight (an undesirable side effect of stress).
Two: all this stress and strain Herculean it constantly drains your body of energy, until the end, inevitably, the body is crushed by overburden. This might be the adrenal exhaustion, nervous breakdown or destroyed immune system and thus become exposed human diseases. Vicious cycle repeated itself and it seems that people are not able to emerge from this terrible race.

Download stress
Here are some healthy habits that can be integrated into your daily life to help released from stress forever.
1. reduce caffeine: caffeine stimulates the release of adrenaline. Cease from cups of coffee and teas picks free of caffeine, with good therapeutic.Or, you can reduce your caffeine making replacing coffee with green tea, which has caffeine as 1/3 of a cup of coffee, but also good in the form of polyphenols antioxidants.
2. Meditation: Daily meditative program can become your number one method to breathing at the end of the day the charge and release tension.
3. Take breathing: take off stress, remove. Specific tasks may detoxing your body and renew your being. Try this exercise and arrived intention slowdown, tenderness and deepen each breath taking.With each exhalation, pronounce the word peace in your mind and remove the tension from the body, starting from the top of the head going through each part of the rupee, until you arrive at the end of your heels.
4. Clean up the mess: have you heard the word of what you possess, you will possess you then? Not only these things consume your energy for maintenance of cleaning, but also added to confusion, making you disorganized and thus raising stress levels. Reduce and let them go.Good rule is: anything that you have not used for six months can donate to any charity.
5. Clarify schedule: reduced commitments in your calendar meetings. If you strive to find some free time, try to at least one day of the week to go alone ... and having fun!
6. reshape your perspective: While skip through a day, pay attention to what causes feelings of stress. Our response has to do more than it will affect us; by re-framed our perspective on stressful situations, we often see that the risk is largely an illusion and s remain calm in mind.

Scientists have discovered how to "stop hunger"

People have thought for a long time, how to put the brakes appetite and eat less.

Meanwhile, scientists at Harvard have discovered a neural network in the brain, which controls hunger, reports Telegraph.
They have been able to stimulate this network mouse brain, making you feel full, without eating anything.
Group researcher, thinking that if they activate the receptor melanoncortin 4, governing county in the brain, which helps people maintain diet without experiencing problems arising from the diet.
In a report published in Nature Neorosience, indicated that they are working in this direction, to create a tablet, which would perform this function.
This study was done in order to help people who suffer from obesity. 

Symptoms of panic attack

Panic attack is accompanied by feelings of embarrassment that arises without any sign or warning earlier. These attacks can occur at any time, even during sleep.

The person experiencing panic attacks is the feeling that is in question and that heart attack will die immediately, transmits The fear and the feeling of embarrassment which are present during the attack can not be compared with any other situation daily.
The most common symptoms of panic attack are:
• Work the heart speed;
• The vent of weakness, dizziness and fainting decrease;
• slaughter feeling in the hands and fingers;
• Feelings of fear of sudden death;
• Pain in the chest;
• breathing problems;
• Reduction of self-control ;
• cold sweat.
Panic attacks are basically short, lasting less than 10 minutes. People who have experienced a panic attack once the experience more often, compared to people who have not ever experienced.
Persons who experience panic attacks again feel chronic anxiety and fear because they can not predict when it will happen next attack. Women twice as often experience panic attacks.
Experts still do not know the precise cause of these attacks. However, it proved that attacks are more common in people who are currently going through major life changes (marriage, birth of a child, first job). Also there is evidence that genetically transmitted panic attacks.
People who suffer from panic attacks have a greater risk of creating depression, committing suicide or abuse of alcohol or drugs.
Fortunately, panic attacks can be cured. Psychotherapy or medication proved to be successful, transmits If medications are necessary, your doctor will recommend anti-anxiety medication, but medication against depression who also facilitate pains.
Panic attacks are something for which people do not speak with much pleasure, because people who go through such attacks often think they are mentally disturbed and comes to the creation of a sense of shame before the public. If you pass through these attacks, do not hesitate to ask for help from family, friends or an expert partner.

Adolescent with a giant foot, dreams thet one day he can playing basketball

It has a dream to play basketball, but the foot that continues to grow is limited normal movement.

Liu Huichang suffers from "local giantism" that is displayed on the left leg, and gave him extended to 41 centimeters thick and up to 14 centimeters, reports Telegraph.
Relatives of 21-year-old from Qu of China's Sichuan Province, lo leg was tied not to grow, and have refused amputation.
He underwent three surgeries so far, to reduce foot and prevent further growth.
Doctors have said the operation has been successfully completed, but the boy's dream to play basketball too far.

Secrets of black chocolate

Unlike ordinary chocolate that is rich in sugar and poor in terms antioksindatëve, dark chocolate is their real mine

It is interesting that chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa (at least 70 percent) contains more antioxidants than green tea or red wine!
1. Protects Skin
Research published in the journal "Journal of Nutrition" has shown that people who consume chocolate black have soft skin, 25 percent less red spots after exposure to the sun, while their skin retains moisture for a longer time. Equally so, the chocolate can prevent stains caused by aging.
2. Dark chocolate retains the heart
of Harvard experts analyzed 21 previously published studies on the consumption of cocoa with a total of 2500 respondents. Besides that can decrease blood pressure and improve the condition of blood vessels, the consumption of cocoa is responsible for reducing the bad cholesterol, while at the same time increases the level of good cholesterol.
3. If you are bored, eat a piece of dark chocolate
More research is proven that dark chocolate can lower blood pressure, transmits And research at the University of Lincoln has shown that even small amounts of dark chocolate give similar potential of lowering blood pressure and dietary foods which have proven successful in reducing cardiovascular problems. / Telegraph /

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Coconut oil for health and beauty

Coconut oil or butter, otherwise called is a product with many uses for beauty. He is a perfect natural moisturizing, but not only.

Below you will find a list of some of the main uses of coconut oil:
Night makeup. Even anti-water mascara would not resist dot coconut oil because it has higher cleaning properties of cosmetics from the skin. Apply through cosmetic cotton cleaners instead of milk.
The makeup brush cleaner. For a better scrub brush or sponge using a mixture cosmetics where to add equal amounts of liquid soap and coconut oil.
Cleans mouth. A gargle with one teaspoon of coconut oil will remove all bacteria and germs from your mouth, because the antibacterial properties that coconut oil.body lotion. Coconut oil is a perfectly relaxing and you can use as lotion for your body every day.
Curricula, oil. Even mitigation curricula, around the nails of the hand or foot can use coconut oil.
Lip Balm. Coconut oil serves as an ideal lip balm. Put a little coconut oil in a small bowl and you may have all the time with him.
Cream skin cracks. Coconut oil has a very positive effect against skin cracks. Women during or after pregnancy can be used repeatedly but also women with cases of fractures in the area of the belly, chest or abdomen.
Cream. Coconut oil does very well for thin skin around the eyes. Avoid air sacs and prevents wrinkles eye mimicry.
Skrab body. Coconut oil is used as a main ingredient in the preparation of natural skrabeve body. Mix coconut oil with salt or sugar finely and use as skrab body or legs.
Massage oil. Coconut oil if mixed with a few drops of an essential oil, the other, for example, lavender oil, ideally serves as massage oil.
Cream for waxing. Coconut oil can also be used to depiluar with razor after softens your skin like waxing creams or lotions to.
Whitening toothpaste. If you want white teeth mix in a small jar of coconut oil with baking soda. Your teeth will look whiter than ever.
Eases itching. If you have a skin problem and have constant itching, apply coconut oil to calm the skin.
Cream. Coconut oil can ideally serve as a very good night cream. Its antioxidant properties will give the skin briskly to fight wrinkles.
Cream for curly hair . Put a little coconut oil on hands and coat the ends of your hair to fix locks and give shiny hair.
Hair Balm. If you want extra moisture to the hair, apply coconut oil to damp hair and do not rinse it.
Hair mask. Put hot coconut oil to the hair before you wash your hair and let it operate for about an hour, then wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner normally. You will see amazing effects.
Anti-dandruff treatment. dandruff usually caused by dry scalp of the head. Therefore applying coconut oil to the hair roots and its relaxing effect will remove dandruff.

What is Match dust and how we should use it

Match is kind of green tea, the leaves of which wither and turn to dust, which is one of the most popular natural preparations to increase physical stamina and energy.

And prepare within traditional Japanese tea ceremonies, while more than 800 years of use Zen monks during meditation.
The plant grows in shady places during before summer, while bush covered before the meeting to prevent direct exposure to sunlight. In this way slows the growth of leaves and they get dark shade of yellows. Workers gather the leaves by hand and left in the sun to dry. While slowly crushed dried leaves and plant in the state of tench call. Since deprive tirades and roots, Tench turned to dust, which is called the Match.
This powder is able to increase the level of energy during the day and Shun fewer calories. Excellently cleans the body and is good addition in the diet because simultaneously cleans the metabolism and burn fat. Research has shown that the Match can help you burn calories four times faster.
No side effects, does not harm the body, does not increase blood pressure.
With this powder can remove toxins, heavy metals and impurities from the body, transmits After that grows in the shade, Match is rich in chlorophyll than any other green tea and therefore is superior in cleaning the body.
You can buy in health food stores and can be used for cleaning the body, the weakening, or even food coloring.
We bring you the recipe for ice cream Match - you need: 1.5 cups milk, 1/5 cup liquid cream, 2 to 3 tablespoons Match powder, 1 tablespoon hot water and 1 teaspoon vanilla.
In bowl mix the milk and sugar with electric mixer and stir until the sugar dissolved. Match dust mix and 1 tablespoon hot water, and the mixture Add the sugar and milk. Add the liquid creams and vanilla, and mix all well.Leave ice cream in the freezer overnight.

Two things you should teach children about money

As sooner is better.

Should the courses if you buy something
Many parents forget to explain to children what to do with the money that was given and they take for granted that they can spend immediately.
Since the age of 3 years give their children money daily. Set up savings transparent caches (visual aspect is important for children) where the share of spending money faster and will save.
When you're done shopping, ask them what they want and for small things like sweets, Tell that they could buy with the money they have for quick expense. For most expensive things, like bicycles, explain the need to save a little every day to buy themselves what they want.
People earn money at work
Children need to understand that money does not fall from the trees, writes Annabel. You will understand that the child must begin to recognize the work in time starts to complain that wants more money and this happens around age 3 years.
Talk to your profession and asked what would make when he grows up. If for example the child says it will be vet, assign small tasks such as feeding, washing or domestic animal walk, and give a small amount of money, in addition to those receiving daily, to show that work is rewarded.

Five secret enemies who do not let you lose weight

Sometimes it seems like and why try to be careful with food, can not lose weight. You may have to right. Meet five opponents secret that not lean left.

Lack of vitamins
Women who meet the diet with extra vitamins are less hungry than those who do not do this, according to research Laval University in Canada.
Solution: Ask a test if you lack any kind of vitamin and straight to the pharmacy, or search rich foods that kind of vitamin. They may be the B vitamins that help in burning fat and reducing stress level if he has flown without control.
Water tap
tap water is very rich in fluoride that can be good for teeth, but not to your silhouette. According to Mary J Shomo, author of "The Thyroid Diet: Managing Your Metabolism For Lasting Weight Loss", "Fluoride prevents the body to absorb iodine who have thyroid health. If the thyroid is weak, the metabolism will be, and you will add weight. "
Solution: Try to use some weeks Bottled mineral water and see if this will affect your weight.
Measure ration
During the past 30 years, the average size of a plate increased from 23cm to 33cm, which has happened and rations. "Many of us have forgotten how are normal rations" says dietician Scottish Fiona Kirk.
Solution: Fiona recommends to use portions of foods with carbohydrate or protein was not greater than the coup and to fill the rest of the plate with fruits and vegetables. Be sure to use smaller plates not remain in place.
Intestinal bacteria
are talking about bacteria that live in the digestive system. Researcher Peter Turnbaugh the Washington University School of Medicine has observed two types of bacteria found in the gut: bakteroidetes and firmikutes. He discovered that obese people have a greater amount firmikutesh and that when they started the diet, the amount of them sat and grew it the first group, in line with the loss of the fatty layers.
Solution: While it's not yet found anything that can increase levels of bakteroideteve, increasing levels of bacteria in general will increase the number of those breaks carbohydrates. The best way is to get more probiotic foods that supply healthy bacteria levels that include leeks, garlic and bananas and avoid antibiotics that can kill them. You can also take a daily probiotic drinks like Danone Actimel liquid scythe Original, containing ingredients that enhance immunity.
Your brain
researcher at Utrecht University in the Netherlands have proven that people who think positively when starting a diet are more likely to lose weight compared with doubters, class magazine writes. Alyssa coach Abey means that if your brain knows that he is doing something that will make you feel bad, stop it. So you will feel every piece of cake to outpace pastry shelf.
Solution: Focus the reasons why you will lose weight and tell yourself that you're doing. Should stop to see both Pastry and adjacent gym. Also does well to select objectives in a paper weight. "I advise everyone to keep a paper and check before doing something that puts to the test the promise," says personal trainer personal and Jennifer Garner, Valerie Waters.

Five alternative sources of vitamin D

Milk and sun are excellent sources of vitamin D, but the problem arises when a person is allergic to lactose or may not be exposed to sunlight.

In this case need alternative sources of vitamin D, which can be found in certain foods. Lack of vitamin D is common today, while we know that it leads to the appearance of rickets.
Fish. - Fresh Fish and canned contains a certain amount of vitamin D, especially if it comes to salmon, sardines and tuna. More than 50 percent of the amount needed daily can consume if you eat a sandwich with tuna or salmon weighing 85 grams.
The fungus. - Mushrooms absorb vitamin D when exposed to sunlight and are very useful in the diet.
Juice. - Many companies sell juice in tetra packaging, which is enriched with vitamin D. This vitamin is present in fresh fruit.
Eggs. egg also contain vitamin D, but in their consumption should pay attention to blood pressure and cholesterol.
Organic meat. - organic meat as beef liver contains a certain amount of vitamin D, transmits Many people do not prefer organic meat, but for those who love him, he can substitute milk. With organic meat consumption, take vitamin D and protein.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Painless births (birth with epidural)

With no pain, pregnant woman is much more relaxed, more cooperative and birth process is realized in much more favorable conditions for the mother, the baby and also for gynecological staff that leads the birth.

Dr. Ismet Joseph
Master of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Treatment
American Hospital
038 221 661/045 500 910
For most women in Kosovo is still an unachievable dream idea to have a normal birth and not to experience the pangs, according to their description are strong enough and often unbearable. A large part or we can say that most of them do not even know that it is possible to be born normal and not experience the pain, what makes the delivery process much more pleasant and cheerful.
In Kosovo, there is still a great reluctance for this method because of the stigma and insufficient knowledge about the advantages of this method.But, birth painless as possible, should be offered almost every woman us here.
What is actually the birth without pain with epidural?
This means placing a catheter into the epidural space in the lumbar region, through which administered local anesthetics (bupivacaine or ropivacaine), which is blocked by pain without stop uterine contractions processes that are essential to the delivery process.
Made epidural catheter placement in the epidural space at the L2-L3 or L3-L4, ie about 2 levels below the level where it ends spinal cord, ie the lowest level of the back, which makes it safe for injury spinal cord.
Also today medication used for the epidural birth without pain, it is possible that the patient walk in the birth process (walking epidural) proving that not extend the birth process when placed in the early stage of birth.
Advantages of birth without pain
With no pain, pregnant woman is much more relaxed, more cooperative and birth process is realized in much more favorable conditions for the mother, the baby and also for gynecological staff that leads the birth.
Also through the catheter epidural anesthesia can be accomplished even if the birth process there is a need of surgery (Caesarean), which avoids the risk of general anesthesia with all its possible complications.
What you need to realize a birth without pain?
1. anesthesiologist who has the knowledge and experience needed to administer the epidural catheter and birth without pain management.
2. The gynecologist who has the right experience in the management of birth without pain.
3. Tools needed for epidural catheter placement.
4. Medication necessary for the administration to realize the birth without pain.
5. Necessary monitoring of mother and fetus.
What to do before you realized a birth without pain?
1. It is imperative that a few days before birth to consult anesthesiologist who receives information from pregnant to her health condition, potential problems earlier and an explanation regarding the procedure of placing the epidural catheter.
2. Doing the analysis necessary precautions to eliminate any potential problems that will not allow or will make dangerous epidural catheter placement.
3. Information about each step that accompanies placement of the catheter and subsequent management of the birth without pain.
4. Establishing mutual trust in the patient-doctor.
To which women can be accomplished birth without pain with epidural catheter?
East painless epidural catheter can be done to all women except those that:
1. Have disease coagulation (clotting) of blood.
2. Infection at the catheter.
3. Intracranial hypertension.
4. Placenta previa, hematoma retroplacentare.
5. Unable continuous monitoring of fetal heart rate (RZF)
6. Suffering acute fetal requires urgent intervention.
The technique of placing the epidural catheter
1. Position sitting and rarely lateral
2. Finding the interspinoze L2 / L3 or L3 / L4
3. Skin disinfection Betadin
4. Setting sterile cover the hole
5. Skin infiltration with local anesthetic interspinoze space
6. Finding the epidural space with the loss of resistance method (low-resistance syringe filled with aqua Distillates)
7. After finding space, placement of the catheter 3-4 cm into the epidural space.
8. Fixation of the catheter
9. Aspiration test and giving the Lidokain test dose of adrenalin.
10. Start the administration of anesthetic to achieve a painless birth.
Epidural catheter is removed once the end of the birth process.

Aloe vera preserves your health

It looks like green plants comes from the cactus family, but actually belongs to the lily family. The leaves are a source of gel, which is already a long time used in cosmetics.

Aloe vera has a long history of use in medicine. Grows easily, is resistant and is not demanding plants, so there is no reason not to cultivate household vase of flowers.
To use aloe data exist summer of 2000 BC Ancient Romans have used to relieve skin irritation, rapid healing of wounds and relieve digestive problems.
Research has shown that aloe juice wine or supplements in the form of capsules may ease the symptoms of arthritis.
consumption of aloe vera can help people who suffer from asthma, and some research has shown that aloe vera can reduce the need for taking asthma medication.
Solvent system
improves appetite, promotes the work of the digestive system, prevents the creation of constipation, eases nausea, heartburn and frytjen.
Skin Care
Aloe vera is the plant which certainly deserves to be in your home. It is excellent to relieve burns, cuts and abrasions.
It is best shown in postoperative care of patients. With a research has shown that accelerates the healing of cuts, reduces the visibility of signs and helps wounds heal faster.
Aloe vera is effective in easing the symptoms of psoriasis. In a research has shown that the application of aloe gel summer in sensitive places on the skin can reduce the symptoms of psoriasis for even 80 percent.
The nutritional value
of food aloe vera is the only known plant origin that contains vitamin B12, but also many minerals that are essential for proper operation of the organization, reports Research has shown that aloe vera strengthens the immune system and helps to fight against infections.
Some researches have shown that successfully fights against cancer cells.
Before making any additional, including aloe vera supplements should consult a doctor, especially if you are:
• Pregnant or want the remaining were:
• breast-feeding;
• suffer from stomach, while the cause is not known;
• Taste haemorrhoids;
• suffer from kidney disease.

Parents distracted by technology

Children more likely to make risky actions.

Mobile phones and tablet computers are becoming a dangerous distraction for parents who are supposed to care for children.
According to a study children are more likely to take actions that are dangerous when people are distracted monitor, such as writing messages or talking on the phone.
Researchers observed some parents choose at random, who are cared for children in the park. They measured factors such as their level of commitment and how they seemed distracted. They also looked at how often children tried to do dangerous actions like throwing out or throwing lisharëset moving from high places.
Children whose caregivers were more distracted, so behave more dangerous than others. Electronic devices such as mobiles were responsible for 30% of cases of distraction.
Study author Ruth Milanaik the Cohen Children's Medical Center in New York, said that for the safety of children, parents should limit the time spent with technological equipment, especially when caring for them.

Are you stressed? Drink sweet drinks

Sweet drinks reduce stress. This is the recent discovery of American scientists who have concluded that stress can be fought even simpler by soft drinks.

Feeling under pressure due to stress and nervousness? It would be better to maintain order and to help yourself by consuming fluids of healthy delicious.
Researchers provided 11 bottles of sugary drinks and eight sweet drinks with artificial sugar. In the end, after this test, showed that those who consumed sugary drinks had lower levels of salivary hormone, which was secreted during stress, than those who drink sweet drinks artificially.
"This is the first evidence that consumption of sugar can relieve the stress of the people", - said Kevin Laugero, representative of the study and professor at the University of California.

Symptoms of low testosterone level

Testosterone is the hormone that the body produces, the men most of testosterone produced in the testicles, while testosterone is responsible for stimulating sperm production and libido, building muscle mass and bone. With the aging of men, reduced the production of testosterone.

Reduction of testosterone causes the appearance of many symptoms, while it may come to complications. Symptoms of low testosterone levels often misinterpreted as signs of the aging process.
What is the low level of testosterone? - Low levels of testosterone diagnosed when testosterone level is less than 300 nanogram in 1 deciliter.
Andro-pause, reduced testosterone production in some way can be compared to menopause in women. And while women feel the dramatic drop in estrogen level certain age, male testosterone levels decline gradually happening. If the decline in the level of testosterone occurs sooner than it should come to the emergence of a range of symptoms.
Decreased desire for sex. - Testosterone plays a key role in the male libido. Over the years many men felt reduce libido. Men with low testosterone levels, reduced libido occurs suddenly and most commonly observed. During sexual intercourse, a low level of testosterone may hinder the achievement of orgasm.
Difficulties in achieving erection. - Testosterone stimulates sexual desire and erection. Although testosterone is not only responsible for achieving erection, it stimulates the brain receptors to produce molecules that stimulate an erection. Low levels of testosterone can cause different conditions that hinder the achievement of erection, including thickening, diabetes and arterosklerozën.
The low volume of semen . - Testosterone plays an important role in the production of semen, the fluid that helps sperm motility. It's very simple: the higher the degree of testosterone, sperm production is also higher.Men with low testosterone level mainly notice the reduction of the volume of semen during ejaculation.
Baldness. - Testosterone is responsible for a large number of bodily functions, including growth of hair fibers. Hair loss is a natural part of aging for many men. However, men with low testosterone levels may notice hair loss in the area of the face and body, and not just in the head.
Fatigue and lack of energy. - Men with low testosterone levels feel more tired and less energy. If most of the time you're tired, regardless of the amount of sleep, or you noticed that you've harder to move or be motivated to exercise, it is likely that it comes to the lower level of testosterone.
Loss of muscle mass. - Since testosterone plays an important role in building and strengthening muscles, the level of testosterone can cause loss of muscle mass and muscle weakness, particularly in the area of hands, legs and chest, reports Time. net. Men who want to turn their muscle mass will notice that this thing in this period is much harder than before and because of the low level of testosterone.
Increase the percentage of fat in the body. - If the reduction of muscle mass is not the problem should look to increase the percentage of fats in the body. Although scientists have yet to discover the exact reason, it is assumed that also talking about reducing the level of testosterone in the body. Thus, strong muscles burn fats and calories even in a state of relaxation. Therefore, if measures reduced muscle will reduce the burning of fats and calories, which causes the increase of the percentage of fat in the body.
Reduction of bone mass. - Osteoporosis is a condition for which it is deemed that appears only in women. However, men with low testosterone levels may also notice the weakening of bones. Testosterone is important to build and strengthen bone tissue. Men who for years have reduced testosterone levels have a greater risk of bone fractures, especially in the area of the waist, legs and ribs.
Changes in mood. - mainly women observe frequent mood changes during menopause, when their body's estrogen level drops. Men with low testosterone levels feel similar symptoms. Testosterone participates in various bodily functions and maintaining the health of different parts of the body including mental health. Scientists have found that men with low testosterone levels have a higher risk of creating depression and lack of concentration.

Friday, April 24, 2015

If you have a problem with varicose veins in their healing done Anaderm

The first institution which deals with full access to the diseased vein is Therapeutic Diagnostic Centre "Anaderm", Pristina. More dates 25, 26 and 27 April, Anaderm provides treatment / laser vein elimination of foreign doctors. Its experts offer the most modern methods of diagnosis and treatment, which cause no pain at all, while are maximally effective.

You torment the legs are tired, swollen, pain, cramps asleep, the kruarit, burns, have tiny veins foot palm, called capillary veins varikoze? There you only happens to you. 40% of women and 20% of men suffer from enhanced veins.
Enhanced veins spoil the aesthetic appearance, but may also cause pain, cramps sleep, feeling the weight on the foot, but serious complications, such as the creation of open wounds in the legs, thrombosis, pulmonary embolism dangerous .. .
The intervention occurs when preventive measures - medicines and other forms of therapy - does not yield results, while there are symptoms that may occur complications.
The veins laser surgery is minimal invasive surgery, which is done under local anesthesia. No incisions as those classics, no general anesthesia, no scars. Thus terminated the development of the disease and prevented the possibility of the occurrence of complications, which can be fatal.

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+381 38227552

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These women do not have the uterus and vagina

Mayer Rokitansky syndrome KUSTER Hauser is an uncommon condition that does not allow the formation of the sexual organs of women and consequently the possibility to have natural children.

The syndrome is characterized by malformation or complete absence of the uterus and the top part of the vagina.
Mrkh can be isolated type I. But more often it is associated with defects in the kidney, column cord and in some cases even more rare The hearing concerns or heart, appearing as type II syndrome.
In both cases the inability of fertility relates to a "mistake" that occurs during embryonic development.

The discovery that could change our lives forever

A team of scientists in China have published the first scientific research to change the DNA of the human embryo.

A team of scientists in China threw a "bomb" at the beginning of this month and almost nobody noticed. The researchers, led by Juan GOF Junjiu Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, the first published scientific research to change the DNA of the human embryo.
Search was originally released on April 11, in an online magazine "Proteins and Cells", after the rejection by the prestigious magazine "Science and Nature", because it was "unethical".
However, these scientists have discovered a new tool of the powerful, although they are more concerned about where this will lead, writes century. Search pioneer is inconsistent, though took the damaged embryos that were not developed in man.
Many scientists emphasize that genetic engineering methods, recently developed, should be studied more animals before we face the risk of unpredictable human mutations and frightening developments in human evolution.